For god sakes stop slacking and add new collect mount achievs and several of them up to 1 k atleast
challenge mode original phoenix mounts or aotc garosh mount ?
32 new recolors from the event would have been more acurate :D
damn that phoenix is wonderful
Stay subscribed, blizzdrones!
So blizz is liquidating their premade but unused mount MoP models for this? Cause alot of these I really remember seeing already on warcraftmounts. No complaint from me except trying to squeeze time into do this alongside s4/awakened, finally doing season of discovery, work and life. *sobs*
Not a fan of this kind of events :- limited in time- new character instead of main (I have my main since BC, and I farm all I can with her, using an alt for days will be frustrating for me)- rewards in retail (a LOT of rewards, a few to test is fine, this much might strong-arm collectors and remove possible enjoyment for them)But my biggest concern is the future. It looks and feels like a Diablo season. Which mean : New character, a theme, a gimmick, reward for the off season (aka retail), and honestly, I don't feel like doing it several time a year.(yes, we don't know if it will be like that, but I can't see why they won't be doing it)The concept looks interesting, and I might enjoy it, I'll judge after the event is out, but... as always, a nice idea limited by random inconveniences
Hope there will be enough TIME to get all of these
32 boring ass recolours..... disappointing
The Pterrordax model from MoP is making the ones from BFA cry. These should have been added in BFA, not the things with wings that call themselves flying mounts we got. Jeez, their wings look like they have broken bones and their faces and snouts and necks are horrible. This is a massive downgrade from what we got in MoP
I would say the only ones I would go for is the phoenix mount, one of the Yaks and Shadopan Tiger....Everything else is meh to me. but GL on obtaining them all!
Jade Pterrordax looks so good.
New windsteed recolours, sick.
Can't believe anyone would cry about fomo on a bunch of recolors. Couldn't care less about any of these.
recolors but damn these recolors look good ngl
tbh the golden serpent dragon is the only cool mount (IMO)