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The mount, Invincible, from Arthas' childhood, it was lamed before he was inducted into the Silver Hand. He killed it so that it didn't have to suffer, and buried it. You can see it's empty grave in game, because he took him once more and raised him as a Death Charger. Now he's in game, but he has wings.
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Seeing as it is already on the loot tables for
The Lich King
on Heroic 25 man, it's probably a 100% droprate.
Also, that's the only way to get it. Good luck!
(Feb. 2nd, 2010)
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Requires level 20. Just imagine that.
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Look at the mount at
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Something very cool and unique about this mount is, when it it on the ground it's wings look quite small and ineffective. This is so that they don't block the user's view/annoy the player (Which is a good call, because it looked a bit silly with such huge wings before). However when it takes flight, over a small period of time (a number of seconds) the wings will grow until they reach full size which looks simply magnificent.
Definitely one of, if not, the best mounts in the game. A suitable reward.
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For those who don't know, this mount says "Requires Riding 75" because it works just like The Horseman's Reins. It scales with your riding skill.
300 Skill: +280% Flying +100% Ground
225 Skill: +150% Flying +100% Ground
150 Skill: NO FLYING +100% Ground
75 Skill: NO FLYING +60% Ground
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Man I'd love to run around the Barrens at level 20 with this.
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Hurrah! Ghostcrawler DID promise me a pony, but he forgot to mention it was a zombie pony!
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Blizzard made a soundtrack for Invincible.
This is likely to be heard during or after fall of the lich king.
Personally I love the track and it saddens me that I will not be a part of the lich king's fall.
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Check out the video of this mount here
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I could see people mastering this fight and selling runs through for this during cataclysm.
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Finally! Something to replace that Ebon Mount :D
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Paladin: Awe.. if only it was Pink.
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im really depressed when i see all these items.. from the lich king. I will never be a part of any of it. i have been playing warcraft 1, 2, 3 and all WoW games. but i will never be a part of the lich kings fall.
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I'd imagine this looks immence with Path of Frost.
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imagine a tauren or a worgen on this mount >.>
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I would say that this mount will get ninja'd in every pug group, but it could be
time until The Lich King is pugable.
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Arthas... I gotz your pink slip >:D
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It's model has been changed in 3.3.2, when it was made, in a way, avaible...
It's been shrunk. Why? IDK. We'll have to wait too see how it looks like now.
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So how long before we see someone sitting on this mount AFK for hours in front of the Dalaran bank?
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It was Invincible's unfaltering faith in his master that inevitably led to the stallion's death and unholy rebirth. On a cold winter afternoon as snow was blanketing the ground, Arthas was desperate to get away from the city even if it meant riding through harsh and unforgiving weather. Once outside, Arthas guided Invincible over a familiar jump, but the stallion slipped on slick ice, and the fall shattered his forelegs. With no way to save his companion, Arthas was forced to give Invincible a merciful death, and the prince carried that guilt with him for a very long time.
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Damn... I hate secondhand mounts.
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If your lucky enough to obtain this mount, play
and rock out with your guild :D
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Quoted from the book, Arthas.
"Invincible regarded him calmly, trustingly, as if he somehow understood what was about to happen,
and the need for it. It was more than Arthas could bear, and for a moment tears again clouded his
vision. He blinked them back hard.
Arthas lifted the sword and brought it straight down."
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Do you have the empty grave coordinates? I would like to see it.
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Look at your mount, now back to mine, back at your mount, now back to mine.
Sadly, your mount isn't as cool as mine, but if you manage to kill me in 25-Player mode, you could get lucky and win my mount.
"I'm on a horse."
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World first owner - Tsukky (Paragon) @ Lightning's Blade
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Ret Bull gives you wings! I think Arthas took Invincible on a ride to Cataclysm for a minute or 2 :D
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Right now, after so many years of wanting to get revenge on Arthas, we did. Am I the only one that feels WoW is....hmmm...'empty' at the moment? I don't think Blizzard made it as hard as I would have liked it to be, to defeat one of the 'most wanted' characters in Warcraft Lore, but right now it feels more like 'zomg anuthr hunterd weap'.
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i feel kinda stupid for asking but is this a 100% drop or do i need to do i like 10 times to see it once
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Assuming that each raider in a 25 man group rolls the same (either Greed or Need), while the drop rate will remain 100%, the actual probability of
receiving this mount on any given 25 HC LK kill is 4%.
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I just finished reading the book about how Arthas became the Lich King. This horse meant a lot to Arthas, more than you would think.
He actually witnessed the birth of this horse at age 9 back in the Lordaeron Stables. He became attached to this horse as soon as it could walk and claimed it as his own.
Years later, he's a teenager at age 17 riding through the woods during the winter. He goes to jump over a hill, in mid air he sees a slippery path leading to ice protruding from the ground. The horse lands first and the ice slices through him terribly, Arthas knows he will not survive in time to be dragged to the stables. He pulls out his sword and stabs it through the horse's heart to stop it's suffering. He brings it to a spot near the stables and buries him.
Years later he comes back in his unholy form of the Lich King and stabs Frostmourne down through the ground into Invincible's rotting bones, thus resurrecting the mount you see here.
There you have it, the lore of this mount.
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do its front legs have the same jacked up animation as the celestial steed? cause that suck.
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Maybe it drank Red Bull. Who knows?
Hey, this is world of warcraft. For the RPers sake we must call it Crimson Kodo
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Talk about living up to his name :)
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^^ Imagine: A DK with Shadowmourne and this ^^
would be cool
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What a shame it looks nothing short of disgusting :x
Rather ride my basic paladin charger lol.
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Looks so much better than the sparkle pony. :]
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Looks like a pimped version of Celestial Steed.
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As this is a flying mount can this be used in Azeroth?
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Will this mount be removed when cata hits?
if anyone knows I would appreciate a reply.
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I was walking around in dalaran, and i noticed it doesn't angle in stairs. =P
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Does anyone know if Invincible can still be looted from Arthas in cata? I have herd Blizzard might remove him after cata:(
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I must say, i would probably pay RL money for this, or even full HC25 boost+mount, as i am not adjusting my characters to raiding guilds, i just PuG ICC, which isnt much at all on my server!
This mount is amazing.... What i found really aggrovating(<< probs a mispelled, my spelling sucks) was the people saying that Sparkle Horse that Blizz introduced to the online store, was pretty much the same as THIS!
This is way cooler and has much more appealing features, and design.
I will never understand how people can even compare it to some sparkle horse!
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If he was Invincible... how did he die?
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Anyone know if this will still be obtainable in Cataclysm?
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Awesome Death Knight mount. Too bad they decided to give it gold armor; it doesn't even match the Lich King himself.
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The red shirt guy at blizzcon got a free run of H LK and got a free one of these, lucky him :)
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Prince Keleseth yells: Such wondrous power! The Darkfallen Orb has made me
i.e. You are riding a Belf Prince secretly.
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This mount in Cataclysm will have a low drop chance when you defeat the Lich King on 25 man Heroic difficulty.
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Wondering if anyone has seen this drop since Cataclysm. My guild picked up about 25ish of them in WotLK, just curious if people are actually trying to acquire this still and if they actually got it, it's a 1% drop rate now right?
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Invisible is not the same as invincible.
Invisible means that you cannot see it while invincible means that cannot kill it.
Actually the meaning of "Invincible" is incapable of being defeated; unconquerable.
This does not include unable to die or be killed, because if the person died of natural age; i.e not in battle they would still be dead, you are thinking of Immortality.
Funnily enough, if you read his comment again he said it means "cannot be killed"; not "cannot die".
If a person dies for natural reasons such as old age, he was not killed. He died. So the first person's comment is still viable :p
Further to that, 'incapable of being defeated, unconquerable' and 'cannot be killed' also mean the same thing...
if you wanna be really technical, Natural death still counts as being killed, because people do not die from nothing. they are killed by a heart failing, or a disease, etc., if my heart were to stop beating in my old age, I was killed by my heart - now we're just being silly :p
In that scenario I would have died because my heart stopped beating, my heart didn't set about to kill me. If you can fit something into a sentence, that doesn't make it correct. Your comment should read, "...people do not die from nothing. they
die from
a heart failing... etc"
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Also interesting to note that the mounts ankle-parts are torn asunder.
Not sure if it's intentional for the undead look or if it has anything to do with the lore behind Invincibles death(When he was still alive)
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The first time I saw someone with this mount... I didn't really notice the mount for some reason I don't understand now. O_o But I saw the buff on that person and it said "Invincible". Wow. I mean... does riding it make you invincible? :D
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Why does it say it's a 3% drop rate from heroic. Or r people just complaining they werent lucky enough to get it in the 25 man group.
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I've been running heroic ICC pugs for a couple of guildies who want to finish their shadowmournes. Our guild has killed H LK on farm when the 5% buff was out but I was a casual at the time so I never got the mount. At 85 with the 30% buff most of the bosses are jokes. Only Sindragosa and Lich King present problems for pugs who are clueless. Sindragosa can still be a pain for morons who don't know how to los the blasts or how to properly drop their debuffs.
Heroic Lich King is another whole nightmare. It makes things easier if everyone has done at least normal Lich King to understand the basic fight phases. As for the new stuff, you MUST emphasize that dodging shadow traps are important. Same thing for getting out of defiles asap and that they must dps the Valks to 50% evenly to save people. If they can understand those 3 basic things, then a kill is possible. I've ran 3 pugs so far and we've killed Lich King twice. The one we didn't kill was on a monday late night and we had a 12% wipe because of a surprise defile. As long as you have a solid group of people who know what do to, a kill is possible and so there's that chance that the mount will drop.
If you want to to this on a regular basis, you must keep track of terrible people. I have a blacklist of 9 people who are terrible at Shadowtraps and defiles. Those 2 things will wipe the raid in an instant so it's important to drop the nice guy act if they spam you with tells pleading to come back. I had this one lock blow up a raid with a shadowtrap and I kicked him immediately. He pleaded to come back and I felt bad so I let him back in. He barely dodged the next ones and he stood in defile and wiped the raid. Kicked him again and put on the baddie list.
So this is very doable to pug as long as you got people who know what to do. We don't use vent since we don't want a bunch of pugs on our vent. Try to get a solid group going every week and remember, immediately kick the baddies.
Good luck to people still wanting this mount!
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Updated icon as of 4.1 to a unique one.
Old one was the same as the
Death Knight Death Charger
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Just managed to down LK HC 25 with pug.2ond try,lol. But we were all bane of the fallen king.
The mount didnt drop but now i will make runs every week for it.The good new are..that is FARMABLE! GL guys
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It's either 1 or 2%, same as all the rare raid mount bosses. You still don't know when it will drop of course. I strongly advise you to get an alt in for one of your Uld and ICC runs, clear up to the last boss, then relog to a main, so you can go in on their lock again the next week, let them leave and have them relog, and repeat each week using the same lock to save a lot of time.
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Actually, they said they reset all their data at Catas launch. If that's true then what is displayed is post-Cata launch drop rate.
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You are very wrong. In this patch, I cant say anything about the drop rate, but in patch 4.0.6, the drop rate was 30%.
I suggest you to take a look at my comments on Mimiron's Head:
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Since the release of Cata invincible wings overlap at the fold. Such an epic and glorious mount, to bad it's been ruined by the release of cata.
I proudly ride this beast around, but man those wings get annoying.
Please dont tell me Im the only one who noticed.
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Currently the hardest mount to obain in game.
Been farming this with 15 of my guildies for the past 2 months. Dropped on our 2nd week, haven't seen it since.
Good luck attemping to get this with a pug.
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Been farming this with a pug every week since Cataclysm launch and haven't seen it once.
Umadson , could you provide us a screenshot or anyone else, which shows us that this mount still drops?
A little tip for alle of you @ Lich King Heroic.
Invite many druids in your raid group (like 4-5) and tell them to use Stampeding Roar on every Defile, especially the defiles after Frostmourne phase.
Oh, and in phase 2 just nuke Lich King :)
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I just got this mount tonight, so yes the mount still drops.
I run ICC 25 every week to do Glory of the Icecrown Raider and to get guildies shards. We've killed heroic Lich King a few times and the first kill was only done because the survivors were the only ones who farmed him in Wrath (My guild, only people on the server to have Invincibles as well). As I said in my previous comment, this fight is not a joke even at 85 with people in raid epics. Even tonight, people still ran over shadow traps and 2 guys stood in the surprise defile.
Here is a screen shot of me getting it. Good luck to the farmers! Loot rules were stated before the raid
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I have killed H LK 25m for the past 2 months every week, the drop rate is not 20%.
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This mount is OF COURSE not 20%. It's just WoWhead that bugs because back in WotLK 1000 kills meant 1000 drops equal to 100% drop rate. It takes many kills before that drop rate divided by the amount of looted LKs will get as low as the drop rate is now.
But don't take my word for it, take Blizzard's: Mount drop rate on Invincible is, according to, very low, which means 1-5%
Other "very low mounts" is Blue Proto-Drake, Rivendare's Deathcharger, Raven Lord.
Notice that Swift White Hawkstrider, 4% drop chance according to wowhead, is "only" LOW not Very Low which means that it has less than 4% drop rate, if Wowhead is precise.
Please thumbs up so people stop thinking it's 20% drop rate because wowhead is outdated. They should reset the drops and kills and only collect date after cata hit
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Invincible has his own score, and i must say it might be the best score in the game!
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If I could have one mount in the game.....
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Farming this every week, reserving the mount and offering 100k IF the mount drops via a raidroll. Many people join regardless, so I recommend this method if you are serious about getting this mount.
10 kills so far, no mount, will keep trying aslong as the wow servers keep running. I will get it eventually!
Good luck to all the other farmers out there, this is one mount worthy of so much effort.
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I just signed up for the annual pass and the mount you get from that looks like the living version of invincible
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Best mount in the game to Date, nothing in cata has even come close to this.
So glad I have this.
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As of 4.3, the /mountspecial sound works again, it stopped working with 4.2 for some reason.
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Soo nice! ;)
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Was this mount remodelled? I have an argument going on with a friend about this. I said it hasn't but he thinks it was 'remodelled to look more like the celestial steed'. I think that sounds like bs but is he right?
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Looks like the horse in "Wrath of the Titans" if anyones seen that movie. :D
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So, I've been farming weekly this mount and, obviously, haven't seen it drop yet. I'm on my 28th kill.
In order to speed this farming, I saved an 11/12 ICC Normal lockout on a friend's alt. He then extends his lockout, I grab it, convert to 25-Heroic and gg. Doing this, you enter in ICC only to kill Heroic LK25 and next week, you use the same lockout of your friend's alt, considering he doesn't kill LK. Anyways, I've been doing this weekly and it has worked fine so far, however, due to this 7-month farming, I'm starting to think that doing this interferes or bugs somehow the loot table of Lich King. I'm probably just being paranoic, especially because I think the mount has a 1-3% drop rate and 28 kills is nothing in terms of comparison. But this didn't prevent me from opening a ticket to ask about it. GM said:
"The method that you are using is just fine. As long as you are killing Arthas in 25-man Heroic mode, you have a chance to see Invincible's Reins drop. I can confirm for you that the Reins are still in the game, they are just an extremely rare drop."
So yeah... for the people farming this mount, I wish you all the possible luck!
PS1: Yup, I'm reserving the mount and paying gold to everyone in the gold if it drops.
PS2: It would be awesome to see someone that is doing the method I described above and saw the mount drop. If that happened with you, leave a comment please :)
After 60 kills, it finallly dropped for me by doing this method.
Click here for screenshot!
Good luck everyone!
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I did see couple of comments requesting a proof that it still drops - I have uploaded a screenshot , here is a link to it -
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Again, to those of you who are still curious if it drops since the Cata nerf, yes, it does.
I saw it drop last night, as of my 9th or 10th Lich King Heroic 25-man kill. And I am extremely disappointed and irked to say, no, I did not win it. /sigh
Screenshot proof:
Edit: Further proof! Apparently one of the mages in our OpenRaid run frapsed the kill.
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Does anyone else think it looks like a dark Celestial Steed?
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I have a question, if anyone would be kind enough to oblige me an answer
; I haven't been in a raid where this has had a chance to be tested (usually if you win a mount you want to keep the thing), but have a friend who knows how badly I want this mount, and he said if he won it he would trade it to me. I really don't think you can trade mounts, even if you are in a raid group, but I'm not positive; does anyone know for sure?
This is my favorite mount hands-down. I think it would be absolutely perfect for my forsaken priest, and want it more than probably anything else in game.
ICC is also my favorite raid. I love that even though it is now not end-game content, Lich King can still be a wipefest. I like that even with geared 85s, you still have to pay attention close to mechanics. I never had a max-level in Wrath, but Wrath content is my favorite, and I like that I can experience this raid without breezing through it.
I just finished my Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher and am about halfway through the achievements for the Icebound, and FINALLY got "The Light of Dawn" yesterday. I am on an RP server, so PUGs can be pretty... interesting; but I found a group that runs it every week apparently, and we killed him with less than half the raid alive (myself included). It was such a good feeling, as I have always wanted to do 25h but every time I have ran ICC, they have switched it to normal for the Lich King fight.
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Finally after a long farm this dropped for me last night. Happiest person ever :D
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By far the most beautiful mount...
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In my opinion, this is the best mount for a Shadow Priest.
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Tip for farmers: make a dk and get dps gear,
After some tiers in this expansion, get blood spec (know how to use it because you don't go to lk and spam click DS like some think and you solo it, you still have to know your spec), lich king 25 heroic will be soloable to farm this mount.
Dks have already soloed lk 10 heroic, lk 25 normal (and ofc 10 normal), lk 25 hc is outhealable, the only problem is the enrage, more dps gear and it'll be farmable, so should make the row of dks, 1 per realm.
However, and this can be annoying, you still need another person to get past gunship and you should have a healer or a spec which can get valithria to full faster than the adds damage her, which is not possible atm for dks.
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If you have a good cash money you can buy it in BM :)
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Invincible's Reins
can be bought in Black Market Auction House (server generated rare items). Leader of Black Market is
Madam Goya
. For more details check out
Wowhead's Guide to the Black Market Auction House
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So... It's mop now. guess who's gonna level their DK to solo Lich king 25 heroic weekly!
btw, IMO, Invincible>Ashes of Al'ar.
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Confirmed, you can get it from Black market and gain achev
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Its very nice but very hard to get
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idc if this gets downvoted. invincible's reins>Ashes of Al'ar.
the lore behind this mount is amazing. it's a piece of history from the wrath of the lich king that will never loose it's awesome status. I mean, seriously. YOU ARE RIDING THE LICH KING'S MOUNT FROM WHEN HE WAS A PALADIN!
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Can anyone confirm , that this Mount still drop's in Pandaria?
Haven't seen any screens so far with level 90.
BMAH is cruel, on my server the mount were in the auction house the first week pandaria launched, and as i realized it's in the auction house, there were already a million bid on it.
On my server there are a few with some million's ;-/ (Frostwolf-EU)
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The formula to calculate your drop chance ( x ) over any given number of runs ( y ) is this
1 - ( ( 1 - x ) ^ y )
For Invincible's Reins:
Your X Value: .0178
Your Y Value: The amount of weeks you have wasted farming this mount
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Just sold on the BMAH on Boulderfist-EU for 999,999g.
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Can confirm this mount does indeed sell on the BMAH, saw it a few weeks ago and was utterly shocked. And of course the price was extremely high around 100k. =)
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Has anyone seen Invincible since Patch 5.1 in the BMAH?
Someone told me that they removed it with 5.1 from the BMAH together with Mimiron's Head and Ragnaros hc mount.
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Still the most Badass and epic mount of all times. Awesome if you have an icc set
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Seen today on US-Gilneas Black Market Auction House.
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Starting price of this mount from the BMAH is 20,000 Gold
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Absolutely the best mount in game. And with beautiful story.
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The icon name is ability_mount_pegasus
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This is farmable by DKs solo with ilevel 500+ gear. You should clear ICC in 10-normal and then switch to 25 heroic on the Lich King.
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One of the coolest most rarest mounts in the game! <3
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Bin farming this beauty since 4.2 , no dropp as of yet! Got 89 kills atm ( i did not do it each week) On different alts. I have bin using ALL my chars since the announcement of acount wide mounts in 4.3. Hope it dropps any time soon! going to give away 150k if this beauty dropps! (lootrules in my group.)
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Obtained the one mount in the game against all odds of 10 players.
I can now die peacefully.
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Was on the BMAH (Hellscream) today and went for 999,999 gold.
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Here is a list of mount drops from Instances, Raids, and World Bosses to save some looking around.
Level 60
Deathcharger's Reins
Lord Aurius Rivendare
Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Level 70
Reins of the Raven Lord
Sethekk Halls
(Heroic) -
Swift White Hawkstrider
Magisters' Terrace
(Heroic) -
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Fiery Warhorse's Reins
Attumen the Huntsman
Ashes of Al'ar
The Eye
(Tempest Keep) -
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Level 80
Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake
Utgarde Pinnacle
(Heroic) -
Skadi the Ruthless
Reins of the Bronze Drake
The Culling of Stratholme
(Heroic) -
Infinite Corruptor
Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth
Vault of Archavon
- All 4 Bosses
Reins of the Azure Drake
The Eye of Eternity
Reins of the Blue Drake
The Eye of Eternity
Reins of the Black Drake
The Obsidian Sanctum
(3 Drakes - 10)
Reins of the Twilight Drake
The Obsidian Sanctum
(3 Drakes - 25)
Reins of the Onyxian Drake
Onyxia's Lair
Mimiron's Head
(No Watchers - 25)
Invincible's Reins
Icecrown Citadel
The Lich King
(Heroic - 25)
Level 85
Reins of the Drake of the North Wind
The Vortex Pinnacle
Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake
The Stonecore
Swift Zulian Panther
High Priestess Kilnara
Armored Razzashi Raptor
Bloodlord Mandokir
Amani Battle Bear
- Timed Reward
Reins of the Drake of the South Wind
Throne of the Four Winds
Flametalon of Alysrazor
Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
Experiment 12-B
Dragon Soul
Reins of the Blazing Drake
Dragon Soul
Life-Binder's Handmaiden
Dragon Soul
(Heroic - 10/25)
Level 90
Instances - None
World Boss
Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
Kun-Lai Summit
Sha of Anger
Son of Galleon's Saddle
Valley of the Four Winds
Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent
Isle of Thunder
Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn
Isle of Giants
Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent
Mogu'shan Vaults
Spawn of Horridon
Throne of Thunder
Clutch of Ji-Kun
Throne of Thunder
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"I saw you being born, he thought, remembering a membrane enshrouding a wriggling, wet, new
little life. I helped you come into this world, and I helped you leave it…and now by my hand, you are
The skeletal steed struggled through the earth and finally emerged, planting its forelegs firmly and
hoisting itself up. Red fire burned in its empty eye sockets. It tossed its head, pranced and somehow
whinnied, though its soft tissue had long since rotted away.
Trembling, Arthas extended a hand to the undead creature, who whickered and nuzzled his hand
with its bony muzzle. Seven years ago, he had ridden this horse to its death. Seven years ago, he had
wept tears that had frozen on his face as he lifted his sword and stabbed the beloved beast straight
through its gallant heart.
He had carried the guilt of that act alone all this time. But now he realized—it was all part of his
destiny. If he had not slain his steed, he could not now bring it back. Alive, the horse would have feared
him. Undead as it was, with fire for eyes, its bones held together by the necromantic magic that Arthas
now could wield thanks to the gift of the mysterious Lich King, horse and rider could at last be
reunited, as they had always been meant to be. It hadn’t been a mistake, seven years ago; he hadn’t been
wrong. Not then, not now.
Not ever.
And this was proof."
(Arthas, Rise Of The Lich King ~Christine Golden)
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Is is just me, or does this look like a dead version of Tyrael's Charger?
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Just saw this on my server's BMAH. When I checked, it was up for a whopping 995,000 gold! I bet the winner will be quite pleased :)
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Alright, I've heard some people saying some incorrect assumptions about the lock elegibility you need to be able to fight the Lich King in 25 Heroic, and while ICC does have a unique lock system, it's very simple if you know how it works.
You can clear all of 10 man normal up to LK and then switch it to 25 heroic, you do NOT have to beat every boss on heroic to fight the last boss like in FL and DS, however, if you DO kill a boss on 10 heroic or 25 heroic before LK, you cannot switch it back to the other size's heroic mode. (Example: You kill everything in 10 normal up to putricide, but then do him on 10 heroic, you can now no longer switch it to 25 heroic, but you can switch it to 25 normal.) You can also switch it from 10N to 25N throughout the lock and you will still be able to switch it to 10H or 25H whenever. On our lock last night, we did 25N Marrowgar first, then 10N for everything except for LK, and we were still able to kill LK on 25 heroic, and the mount dropped, which I sadly didn't win. >_<
So lets recap. You can clear every fight in ICC for any raid size on normal and mix and match bosses between 10 and 25, and you can still fight LK 25 Heroic and it does NOT have any affect on mount drop chances. The way to switch from 10N to 25H for LK is to clear the bosses necessary to access the Frozen Throne, and then to leave the instance, turn it to 25 NORMAL, then walk back in, and change it to 25 Heroic. You cannot enter the instance if you change it to 25H while outside, you need to enter on 25N first. I hope this saves you time for your weekly ICC clears. Happy hunting! :3
*Edited to add the clarification from Paulosio on how to change the raid size and difficulty once you've cleared 10N up to LK.
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Just soloed him as a Brm monk ilvl 523 so monks can also solo although it took 70+ wipes, hes a !@#$%
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The drop chance must currently be bugged, just as the Ragnaros Firehawk was. Have simply never through my 2 years of killing him seen as many mount drops as I have these recent months.
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Dropped last night and it's hands down the best mount in the game! The mount is indeed Bound on Battlenet account-- and as a multiboxer, I now ride this mount x5!
-Team Mossberg-Kil'jaeden
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This mount CAN appear on the Black Market Auction House. Just saw it on Stormrage at 7:20am EST, May 22nd
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This mount has more lore to it than the entire MOP expansion :p
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This just sold for 960K on the Black Market on my server: Sylvanas-EU =O
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This mount is so rare it's "Invincible" ;)
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Dropped for me 2 days ago, 50 + kills on single character.
Anyways, I was killing every boss on 10 man Normal except for Lich King and switching to 25 Man Heroic after killing Sindragosa.
Doing it this way, you save time, so you don't have to clear everything on 25 man heroic in order to fight Arthas on 25 Heroic diffuculty.
Note that when you kill 11 bosses on Normal, you can't just go 'inside' on 25 Heroic, you need to set to 25 Normal first, after you get inside set Heroic.
Good luck everyone on their mounts.
Also a quick note that Arthas is soloable on 25 Heroic by some classes, if you can't solo it, I suggest bring a friend or two with you to 2-3 man him.
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After nearly 2 years of farming it with my friends it's finally dropped, Since the announcement of account wide mounts I've been doing LK25Heroic around 4-5 times a week for nearly 2 years so... To anybody else farming this mount like mad don't give up! :) There's always hope.. After seeing this and Mimiron's Head drop multiple times in WOTLK it's nice to finally get one of these.
Also, this is soloable as a Brewmaster Monk. It just takes forever. If you drop Xuen when you have around 4 big adds up you'll get the disease, you can dispel it and take down all the adds with relative ease and push LK to the first transition, make sure you finish the adds off asap and get the orbs down with CJL. Only real concern after the first transition is keep yourself topped off for Infest. My item level was 528 for soloing it, but that's with a heroic weapon with double upgrade (So Ilvl 543 wep).
Hopefully this helps anybody wanting to farm it..
If you want any more information on how to solo it as a monk let me know and I can try and offer some more pointers.
- Clearing the first 11 bosses on 10m normal then running out and setting to 25m heroic saves a lot of time, and can be done, just bare in mind you need to enter 25m normal then change to heroic for it to work properly.
- It is possible to solo LK on any class with sufficient self healing, enrage isn't really a huge issue, just keep going, as long as you survive, you'll probably kill it before enrage.
- Classes that let their pets tank, cannot solo as easily as non pet classes, as they may, or more likely, will, get targeted by the valkyrs, and will get plagues on them and it just gets fairly messy.
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When you ride this sweet steed, the soundtrack should be played :
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After being unlucky every single time, got lucky on this instead, 7 kills total, 2 in groups in cata, 5 solo kills on my blood dk in mop, starting from 510 item level, full dps gear, and dropped in the last of these. Soloed on 10 including valithria, then switched to 25 hc for lk every time, full run takes 1h if done right.
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Personally my favourite mount in WoW, couldn't imagine a better looking mount or one with a more interesting story. Sadly it still eludes me. :(
As for the 4% drop chance... I'd say 1% or lower would be more accurate. The fact that the mount was once 100% in WotLK throws wowhead's listed drop rate off.
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Invincible's Reins has an increased chance to drop when someone in the raid is on
The Lich King's Last Stand
Can anyone confirm this?
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When the icy death faded from Arthas’ eyes, before collapsing in defeat to the cold steel floor, he saw a familiar shadow in the distance. The bright blue lights of the northern wastes beheld the silhouette of his dearest friend, his closest companion, in life and in death: Invincible.
Invincible’s tattered mane caught in a snowy breeze, he approached his rider with pride and devotion, nuzzling him one final time. Despite his lingering sorrow, Arthas did something he hadn’t done in many years: smiled. “It can no longer be,” he explained, and his beloved horse’s head bowed in both understanding and regret. “Invincible… you meant the world to me. I cannot… I will not… forget you.” A sad whinny left the undead horse’s maw. “I have but one final request of you, my dear and only friend.” Invincible looked ready to accept his last command. “Steady your legs. Keep them strong, and running. Allow one of these virtuous adventurers to obtain your reins.”
Invincible hesitated, looking upon the strange array of characters lining up around Arthas’ limp form, chanting and cheering like lunatics. It was the last thing he would ever want to do, but in his master’s honor, he would do as he asked. He raised his hooves and bellowed as life faded from Arthas, and awaited his inevitable destiny.
“AW MAN, I ROLLED A TWO!” Screamed an angry voice to the heavens.
“I rolled a one…” Followed a second dejected voice.
Invincible impatiently dug his hooves against the grated mesh, snorting billowing smoke from his nose. This could not be happening.
“Yes! I rolled a ninety-eight! Invincible is MINE!” A stranger, one Invincible had never met, one of the many that murdered his truest and only friend, charged forward to grab the reins around his neck. Just before he got the chance, yet another stranger snagged them and yanked them away from his grasp. He was tugged away from the group and mounted by an unseen force. An incredible weight crushed his skeletal back as an enormous, muscled cow-person sat on it.
“Lawl, ninja!” He cried in a language unknown to Invincible, or anyone outside of his world. “SEE YA NOOBS!” An uproar of angry voices erupted, but soon they were gone, and Icecrown Citadel was no longer his home.
Invincible had a new master now. He was sure that eventually Arthas’ death would have all been worth it.
The lyrics of the song "Invincible" from the soundtrack, translasted:
'O steed, (my) stalwart companion
I mourn your loss
Even in death, (you were the) first in battle,
(And the) last to retreat, even so in death
Alas, I have lost a part of myself.
Long live the king
May his reign last forever
May his strength...
Fail him never.
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One popped up on my realm, couldn't believe it. I didn't think I'd actually see it before I started making gold again after my return from a long break. I bid 300k but someone of course gold capped it at 960k. My bid lasted until 6:30pm and I was the first one to see it and bid. So I'm assuming someone transferred to my server, bought it and transferred back. I could be wrong but my server is currently dead and I haven't seen anyone with it on alliance side anyways.
I wish they would make it so you couldn't purchase BMAH items within 24 hrs after transferring.
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Its 6 days already, that i got my Invincible dropped for me. It took 76 runs in total, spead on 5 toons.
I was soloing LK twice aweek on my paladin and DK. And 2 manned on my rogue + friends warrior/DK + another 2 runs where i was offering 200k if it drops.
Trust me, if you are farming this mount already, dont loose any hope, as you finnaly get it, you will regret nothing.
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will this drop in 10 man? or only 25?
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Got this beauty a few days ago, after around 24 solo kills on my monk. I started off soloing it with 520 ilvl, but when I got it I was at 557. I kept a save up to Lich King on my alt, in my opinion that is the smartest way to do it. Just get your alt in your main characters group, and enter the instance at 25 normal, then when you are inside the raid change it to 25 heroic.
5.4 certainly made it alot harder to solo it (because of the vengeance change), in 5.3 I managed to get him to the RP in about 12 minutes, but after 5.4 it took almost 14 minutes, even with alot higher ilvl.
I wouldn't try to solo it as a Brewmaster with below 530 ilvl, or you will have a very hard time.
But the hard work is defo work it, such an amazing mount.
Good luck to the other farmers out there!
Ilea - Xavius EU
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This is my personal favourite out of all the mounts in the game, hands down. I like it's animation, story and general estetics of it, even as a paladin. It will never get replaced, even through game still tempts me so very much with all the other mounts - i still pick Invincible over anyone.
Alas for all those who still farming it - good luck to you! Bring a few
Lucky Charm
's with you! Or don't. Actually don't. The best way to farm something is never think about that something.
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I tried coaxing him out with a
Sack of Oats
and a few
Juicy Apples
Smart horse didn't go for it. The hunt continues.
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Just saw this on the Black Market Auction House (on Argent Dawn EU). Sold for 999,999.
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Just won this mount on 25 man heroic. Rolled a 86 with 10 other people in raid. Yippee!
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Just got mine on 11/12/13 "Thats the Date" lol.
After 184 Runs.
Want to confirm that u can keep the same lockout and use it Every reset,it does not remove the chance of getting the mount.Good luck with your hunting!
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Yea about that, i got this mount after 3 kills, i've seen it drop twice, guess i'm just lucky :) Gl farming this out there!
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EDIT3: 42 kills and the mount is mine!
The 6.0.2 patch made a lot of this data obsolete unfortunately. I'll leave it here for nostalgic purposes.
The Lich King
25 Man Heroic
Invincible's Reins
Invincible's Reins
) as a 539 BM Hunter with no legendary cloak
. I tried with survival for good AoE to get the adds down, but I've found that the adds aren't even a problem unless you let them stack up without killing them.
I used a Tenacity specced spirit beast, the extra
Spirit Mend
was needed greatly, especially in my gear. I
recommend speccing into
. Agility food(
Well Fed
Drums of Forgotten Kings
, and
Runescroll of Fortitude III
isn't a must but certainly helps. A core hound pre-cast
Ancient Hysteria
couldn't hurt either.
required. I also had
, I wouldn't say it's required, but it
recommended. He is able to be taunted after enrage if you don't have the DPS to beat enrage timer, but this is
recommended and is extremely hard, it is much better for you to wait until you have the gear/skill to beat enrage, which I'd say is about 525 ilvl.
Phase 1:(100%-70%):
Arguably the hardest phase, have your pet tank
The Lich King
and adds on the edge of the platform. As usual, avoid
Shadow Trap
of course, and try to avoid getting aggro from adds so you can stay topped.
The part that makes this phase hard, is the
. When he casts
Necrotic Plague
on you, you must heal through it, but at that time you are unavoidably under 90%, and if you get hit by an infest while under 90% health, you may as well use
Ra'sha's Sacrificial Dagger
or die, because it's basically a wipe. The trick to avoiding the Infests are the pillars, as the Infests can be Line of sighted. Whenever he casts
Necrotic Plague
, it's almost certain he'll cast
right afterwards, so periodically get out of line of sight using the pillars in the room before Infest finishes casting, and it will be avoided, and you can continue DPSing while still avoiding
Shadow Trap
Unfortunately, the
Necrotic Plague
cannot be Line of sighted. If you accidentally allow an Infest to hit you, you can use a
Master Healing Potion
quickly to get above 90% and that will work as well! (however you can only do this one time through the fight). Once he hits, 70%, he will push into phase 2, and you most likely will still have adds up.
Phase 2:(70%):
Stay at the edge of the platform to avoid
Remorseless Winter
, you need to be at 90% or greater for next phase.
, don't worry about Lich king, just work on getting
Shambling Horror
Drudge Ghoul
down. You may kill the
Raging Spirit
, however you WILL want to leave a few up during phase 3, as you need them in order to avoid the
Val'kyr Shadowguard
. Kill the
Ice Sphere
ASAP, if you don't they will knock you back if you allow them to get to you. Phase 2 will end after about a minute.
Raging Spirit
have an ability called
Soul Shriek
which is a silence, so it can prevent you from using
Kill Command
Mend Pet
, but that shouldn't really be any problem.
Phase 3:(69%-40%):
Make sure you are topped off in health for phase 3
, as he continues to cast
during this phase, and there are no pillars to avoid them from. He doesn't cast
Necrotic Plague
in this phase anymore, so as long as you get out of
ASAP and don't get aggro from extra
Raging Spirit
s and/or Lich king himself, you should be fine.
want to use
Distracting Shot
every minute on a
Raging Spirit
, as it will mark you as tank and the
Val'kyr Shadowguard
in return will not pick you up.
DPS the Lich king down to 40%.
At any time if he casts infest on you and you are under 90% health, it's a wipe.
Phase 4:(40%):
Once he is down to 40%,
he will no longer cast
, so it is safe to stand in the
Remorseless Winter
and DPS the Lich King all you want. Don't get too greedy and die to the AoE though. He will spawn more Raging spirits, these don't really need to be killed and most likely just die to
Beast Cleave
over time anyways, just DPS lich king and kill
Ice Sphere
ASAP just like in phase 2. If you start losing a lot of health, go to the outer edge to get out of the Remorseless winter, and wait it out with Spirit Bond and Spirit beast heal, better to be safe than sorry. Phase 5 will start after about a minute.
Phase 5:(39%-10%):
Don't worry about being topped off or using distracting shot on raging spirits, he will no longer cast Infest or spawn Valk'yr in this Phase. As long as you have the DPS to beat enrage timer, getting to this phase means you've basically already won. There are still a few drawbacks and things that may still wipe you however; As usual, get out defile ASAP, and once in a while he'll use an ability called
Harvest Souls
, which will pull you into
Terenas Menethil
. You are stuck inside Frostmourne for 40 seconds, after which Terenas will pull you out. This is mostly just a hinder to DPS and will not wipe you, just be sure to kill the
Wicked Spirit
inside if they start running for you. Once you are out of Frostmourne, The Lich King will spawn
Vile Spirit
and these you may mostly ignore, you will most likely be topped anyways due to Spirit Bond and Spirit beast heal anyways. He will most likely pull you into Frostmourne 2-3 times, once you get out its best to use CDs and DPS him as much as possible before he casts it again. Once he reaches 10% you've won.
Phase 6:(10%-0%):
At 10% he casts
Fury of Frostmourne
, killing you (you may not be killed if you use
). Role-play will commence, after it is over, just DPS him down. No further explanation needed. Once he's dead, collect loot for your 1-2% chance at
Invincible's Reins
, cry that it didn't drop, enjoy the cinematic, and do it all again next week.
: Being epic and surviving
Fury of Frostmourne
I've played around with surviving this attack and can say that if you have over 1 million health, you'll survive (usually only if you have full SoO heroic gear) or if you have over 700k health, you CAN survive it if you use
, as this reduces damage taken by 30%, and the attack does 1,000,000, you will only take 700k, thus surviving the attack (Probably need about 540 iLvl to have over 700k health with the buff (Alliance:
Strength of Wrynn
Hellscream's Warsong
Good luck to all the other Hunter Soloers looking to solo the Lich King on 25M Heroic for
Invincible's Reins
, and I hope this comment helped you!
Video of me soloing the fight:
Video of me surviving
Fury of Frostmourne
547 iLvl with
Fen-Yu, Fury of Xuen
and am now one-shotting this every week, 10 attempts so far but still no mount.
EDIT2: 560 iLvl and I can kill him in about 5 minutes (there was 10 minutes left on enrage) 31 kills, no mount yet)
Armory to my hunter:
Feel free to ask me any questions in-game if you are having trouble, or have any questions about this fight, or any others in the instance, I currently have the entire
Icecrown Citadel
instance on solofarm (Solo all bosses on 10N, then go out and switch to 25H for Lich King) every week until I get
Invincible's Reins
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This mount was just sold at the BMAH on Spinebreaker for 400K... I was in the bidding until about 200K and I got out. I'll be back.
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if it is called Invincible's Reins , how come u can see it
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It's like the Celestial Steed... only darker.... and a lot cooler.
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Very appropriately, the "find upgrades" button for this page is greyed out.
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I'm guessing this probably will the the most Farmed mount once WoD hits and players reach 100 lvl... :P
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Got it yesterday. Took 4 kills (4 weeks) to get it on my DK.
I did with FULL tank gear with 536 ilvl. What i did to beat the enrage was reforge to FULL crit, and gem FULL Crit.
Managed to do it with 1mn for the enrage.
Very easy. Good luck everyone!
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Just wanted to say I got this last week on my DK. Clear in 10 normal or 25 heroic/normal. Depending if I was going for some xmog gear. Only fight Marrow I can't do solo 25 heroic cause of bone graveyard can target tank during bonestorm. And obviously can't solo Dream in 25 or 10 heroic. But I'm Engineer so Skip Dream walker with Glider. Very easy.
I was able to have enough gear to solo him in DPS gear/spec. AMS the infest and it was cake and went very quickly. The Dam to healing trinket off Juggernaut even flex version is very good for this fight. I went death siphon and DW Frost. When I first started this I would hit enrage with my gear in Blood Spec. But you can survive for awhile in Blood spec even during enrage. My first few solo's were during Enrage.
I never thought about extending at LK, but I'm going to start doing that for Uld Yogg0 clears.
I got it April 1st, 2014. So when I linked it, guildie's thought I was april fools'ing them until I actually learned it and got the FoS.
GL to all trying for this. It is truly awesome looking. 1 last mount till I have all pre Cata drop mounts, Mim's head. And every time It dropped in LK at 100% i rolled a 15 or less.
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Dropped after 186 kills. Hope people have better luck then me....
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Started soloing this on my BM hunter at about an ilevel of 530 (BscorpobBx5's hunter guide below is spot on). On my 28th kill the mount finally dropped. I consider myself massively lucky after so few kills and I just want to encourage people to stay on it.
A couple of things to add to BscorpobBx5's guide:
- At a high enough ilevel (~540-550) your hitpoints will be enough that combined with spirit bond you don't need to avoid the Infests. Spirit bond will keep up along with spirit mend.
- If you wedge yourself into the rocks to the left of the stairs (when looking at the stairs), the shadow traps will not throw you off. You will occasionally get jostled and have to reposition, but once you find the exact right spot you will not move at all when a shadow trap goes off.
These two factors GREATLY simplifies and speeds up the PH1 portion of the fight as you won't have to move al all.
One final note: During transitions I like to stand on the stairs as I can then ignore the frost orbs (when they hit me they try to throw me back, but because of the stairs I go nowhere). I just have to ensure I kill any stragglers at the end of the transition.
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150 kills on 5 chars and still no mount :(
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On the Black Market Auction House on Moonglade EU today, 15th May 2014 for 960,000g.
Phew - clearly still a desirable mount.
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Just soloed Hc LK25 as a Disc. You must deal 93m dmg to Arthas before he enrages (15min). I pulled it off at i577, with some deliberate preparation:
I use an i588 staff, i616 dps cloak, i582 Sha trinket, i567 Siegecrafter trinket, mana meta gem, and 2pc set bonus (+10% Crit during AA). Mana wasn't really an issue.
For dps, switched my reforges/gems to Haste>Crit. I valued Haste for a few reasons: extra cloak procs, extra Mindbender hits, extra glyphed Smites+Penance cooldown reduction, and Haste converts more efficiently to 1% than Crit (425 vs 600).
1.) I grabbed Int flasks/pots/food, Drums of Rage, and Healthstones (from an LFR).
2.) I waited for Shan'ze Dao dailies at Shado-Pan and grabbed an Int/Crit buff from the mage NPC. This NPC buff sticks when you zone into ICC, unlike a mage player's buff. If you hold a Shan'ze Dao daily in your quest log, this buff will always be available.
3.) I ported to Hyjal for a Stats buff from the druid NPC on the Protectors of Hyjal daily.
Thus, my stats were: 60,420 spellpower, 37.3% haste, 37.6% crit, 27.3% mast, 9960 spr
1.) Angelic Feather, hope you're comfortable with a keybind for this
2.) Mindbender, major dps cooldown
3.) Twist of Fate, massive uptime
4.) Divine Star, to fish for ToF procs and target Ice Spheres that get close
5.) Glyph of Penance, duh
6.) Glyph of Smite, respectable dps boost assuming Haste
7.) Glyph of Reflective Shield, minor dps boost and passive ToF procs
8.) Glyph of Sha, removes gcd from Mindbender
1.) Start the fight dialogue, then move to the bottom of the stairs so that your feet are OFF the ground. Thus, the Shadow Traps will NOT knock you back, but they WILL interrupt your casts.
2.) As Tirion says "So be it," remove all your gear then immediately re-equip (to start with ToF). Prepot. Drums of Rage. (Use macros+equip sets to simplify this.)
3.) You might PW:S for the BT proc; you're at ~15% health anyway.
1.) Mindbender, Penance, Holy Fire, SmiteSmiteSmite. Archangel. With +10% Crit and Drums+prepot+ToF+trinkets, you should be smashing his face in.
2.) Don't move from this spot until 70%.
3.) Ignore the adds but start firing Divine Star on cooldown and/or as needed to extend ToF uptime. PW:S yourself as needed (e.g., during Lucidity procs).
KITE PHASE #1, AT 70%:
1.) He runs out-of-range to the middle. Run over and Smite him a bit, but reserve Penance/Holy Fire for...
2.) ...the first Raging Spirit to spawn. Forget about Arthas, and kill these things ASAP.
This is the make-or-break element of the fight
(other than the enrage timer). He spawns 3 of these ~20sec apart, and they cast a frontal cone-silence that screws you for 5sec. Do NOT get hit by it.
3.) Until the Raging Spirits die, run around the edge of the arena with Feathers, kiting out-of-range of the Raging Spirits' silences. They cast it once every ~10sec; if you successfully avoid one, you might sneak in a few Smites before resuming the kite, but in general you should be running because Ice Spheres are chasing you anyway. (If Ice Spheres get close, a Divine Star can kill them all. Otherwise, focus on Raging Spirits.)
4.) Ideally, you'll kill the 1st Raging Spirit as the 2nd one spawns. If multiple are up, you need to be running at ALL times, and this is a dps loss to be sure. Use Penance, Holy Fire, SW:P, SW:D, Mindbender, etc. while running.
5.) If you get in trouble while silenced, try hitting an item (e.g., Healthstone/Rocket Boots).
6.) If you have trouble finding Raging Spirits among the mass of adds, you may want a /tar macro.
1.) With the last Raging Spirit dead, resume dps on Arthas. No more Shadow Traps, no Valkyrs, just Defile.
2.) There are probably still 3 Shambling Horrors up. That's fine; you can use them for ToF procs.
3.) They periodically Enrage, and below 20% health they gain a second buff called Frenzy. You get hit hard here, so be careful. You may want to blow your defensive cooldowns, kite a bit with Feathers, and/or drop SW:P/SW:D on them when they are low (also for ToF procs).
4.) Mostly though, focus on Arthas.
KITE PHASE #2, AT 40%:
1.) Same as before but with fewer adds up. However, Arthas spawns 4 Raging Spirits instead of 3.
Again, this is make-or-break.
Ignore Arthas, kite the Raging Spirits/Ice Spheres, and kill the Raging Spirits ASAP.
2.) Arthas pulls you into Frostmourne at some point. probably with 1-2 Raging Spirits still up.
3.) While inside Frostmourne, use Hymn of Hope if needed, run around with Feathers to avoid the ghosts, and wait it out. Shield yourself if needed, but try NOT to trigger a trinket proc here. The dps race is getting intense at this point.
4.) When you port out of Frostmourne the 1st time, resume the kite until the Raging Spirits die. Then, resume dps on Arthas. You may notice that any remaining Ice Spheres have gotten "stuck" in the middle of the arena. That's fine; just avoid and/or Divine Star them.
5.) After ~60sec, Arthas pulls you into Frostmourne again. Watch his channels and try to SW:P him right before he ports you; he casts both Defile/Vile Spirits twice, then he ports you ~10sec after the 2nd Vile Spirits channel.
6.) While inside Frostmourne the 2nd+3rd times, watch your trinket/Mindbender cooldowns. You want to pop another pot+Drums immediately after one of these Frostmourne phases, ideally with Mindbender+trinkets up and Arthas under 35% (for ToF).
7.) If he pulls you into Frostmourne a 4th time, expect to hit the enrage timer.
8.) At 10%, he casts Fury of Frostmourne. Pain Suppress yourself to survive it, and dps him and any remaining Shambling Horrors during the lengthy RP. If you make it this far, congrats and good luck on your 1% mount chance!
The strategy requires practice to get down. If you have heroic gear, you may want to practice mechanics/kite phases and die to enrage before you go through the trouble of flying to Townlong/Hyjal for the mage/druid buffs. I had attempted this last patch, without the buffs, and died to enrage at 19% on my best try (remember: you win at 10%). Just now, I one-shot him but probably beat the enrage timer by a matter of seconds, considering he was just about to pull me into Frostmourne for the 4th time when he hit 10%. I actually didn't think I was going to make it, but a timely trinket proc may have been the difference. Good luck and godspeed!
EDIT: Week 2 and again I one-shot him. This time I cleared ph1 with only 2 Shambling Horrors up. Despite being pulled into Frostmourne 3 times, I finished the fight at 217k dps on the meter, about two-thirds on Arthas and one-third on adds.
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hi guys,i've been soloing this for a while,can anyone actually confirm the mount drop if you clear in 10m and then switch 25hc on the lich?
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If you're a tank and are having trouble beating enrage, keep in mind that you
have to strictly beat the enrage. If you pop a strong cd and keep up your minor defensives, you can keep going for quite a while after the Lich King berserks. Even if you're still at 20%, don't despair: it's a lot faster to get him down because of all the extra vengeance from his berserk-boosted physical attacks.
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I've been using an extended lockout every week now @ LK after first clearing it on 10m and then doing the switch for each of my toons. I normally kill him at least 5-9 times a week with a total now of 133 25m Heroic Kills across all my toons. Can anyone please confirm that it does in fact drop using an extended lockout? I'm beginning to get superstitious and/or worried that I've been doing it wrong.
Side note, it really is discouraging when you tell several people of your guild how to solo this as certain roles, and then see 2 of them get it on their first Solo Kill... :(
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After 240+ kills on 2 of my accountss ,today(21.07.2014) i gold capped it ( black market)on Draenor Horde Eu ....Couldnt be arsed to farm it more ..even tho i hate spending gold on the mount that is farmable..but i had to do it :) gl guys!
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Got mine yesterday after almost 3 years of trys every week....It's just beautiful.I will never use another mount.
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Just dropped today, had to post, KEEP AT IT!
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I just got this beautiful bad-boy! I have never been so excited for a mount in all of my Collecting days :D
Definitely my favourite <3
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Got it today after 81 kills, yes it was worth the time, and yes I would do it again! The most beautiful mount evurr, happy hunting!
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I got it an hour ago. I couldn't believe it! After 49 kills account wide, it finally dropped. It's such a beauty! About two weeks ago, I started farming it daily. I have 13 level 90's. I only do ICC on 11 of them, since the other two are on a different realm. I reserved it for 50k. Some responded negative about me reserving it for 50k, yet others responded positive. I can't solo Lich King on any of my characters so I had to have a group everytime I did it. I used to farm ICC 25 HC, all bosses. But it became such a grind that I decided to sacrifice one of my characters so save the lockout, so I could do Lich King only runs. Which also attracts more people. Now my farming days are over!
Don't give up people! RNG is just RNG. Either it takes you 200+ kills or it takes you 1 kill.
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Dropped today. 80ish kills. Just solo week after week. But today ran it on an alt with some friends and it dropped. They all passsd, God bless them. My favorite day in wow so far :-). Good luck to the rest of you farming.
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Just soloed LK and got this.
Everyone will have their Invincible in WoD when even the most derp players can solo it. So if you haven't gotten it yet just wait a few months.
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Lich King Just dropd the mount on my 41'th total kill. Awsome mount for lvling alts!
Farm it every weak and it wil drop eventualy.
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Is this a normal (although low ) drop on 25 heroic or do you have to have completed the legendary sword quest line in ICC ?
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Over 240 H-LK 25m kills account wide since the drop rate nerf, still haven't seen this thing. I'm superstitious that it's my method of trying to obtain it. I extend a raid lockout every week of just LK up and cycle all my 85/90's through until each one has killed it, I think that's what is causing me not to see it. However sometimes I go in and clear the entire dungeon on 10m with a toon that can heal the dragon paladin/druid/shaman/hunter/dk then zone out switch it to 25 at LK and zone in then swap to heroic.. Just to spice things up... Still no drop, can anyone confirm that the extending a 10m lockout @ LK does in fact work?
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love how the first 10 comments have absolutely no useable information about this drop........... upvote is useless.
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This has been on the Black Market on Silvermoon for a couple of hours, and it's already on the maximum bid. 999,999 gold.
6/10-14, and they usually switch new items around 00-03, I believe.
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Just got it on this patch day 6.0.2 and I'm F#%$ing happy!
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My top dream mount. If only...
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2 years with farming... 14 kills per week... 14 90's... Mount finally dropped and it was mine with a sweet roll 79!
for proof :)
Don't give up guys! It'll be yours one day!
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Always wanted this mount for my death knight since I saw it in dalaran when the ICC patch came out. Since the new 6.0 patch made soloing raids easier I decided to start farming for it last night. It dropped on my first attempt. I couldn't believe it considering Baron Rivendare's Deathcharger took me 172 attempts. It's there people, just keep at it!
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i also confirm u can get this mount by using extended lockout from 10 man normal to 25 man heroic,2nd try and it dropped couldnt believe when i saw it in the loot,
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I got this mount the same day I COIN ROLLED a heavenly onyx cloud serpent off of sha of anger. My luckiest day in wow history by far.
My warrior was on the legendary quest collecting the shards. I couldn't believe my eyes when it dropped. Since 6.0.2 I've been farming icc 25 h for past 3 weeks on ten different toons and I did run icc 25 h many times before.
Good luck mount farming for all you dedicated mount farmers.
There is really no strat to make it easier to drop. Just keep running it and hope you get lucky!
For you warriors that solo this....this is how you solo icc 25 h
what to bring 1.drums of the forgotten kings (leatherworkers make them some heavy borean leather and icy dragonsclaes) 2. flask 3. food 4. mogu potions (dps pots) 5. drums of rage (time warp drums)
boss 1 marrowgar = prepot and drums and cds and nuke away before you get gy spiked.....hunters and warlocks get easy pass when their demon/pet actually beats marrowgar for you!
boss 2 deathwhisper = clear adds in room before pulling.....same thing prepot and drums and cds.....get as much dmg as possible as quickly as you can cause the debuff on you sucks (makes you swing one of your actions with a nasty cooldown to do it again)....if you try to 2 or 3 man this you might all get mced and boss phases out and have to try again.....keep trying a few times and if you still can't beat her with what you got then bring more ppl
boss 3 gunship = put on shirtpack....go in cannon.....shoot cannon to 9 energy (pressing 1 9x) then press 2 1x at the ship when it is targetable.....should be over by then cause the damage on other ship is from your gear item level
boss 4 saurfang = easy, dont even need time warp drums or potions but makes it faster, just kill worms when they spawn
boss 5 festergut = HAS to be dead by 9 stacks of the debuff on you, if reaches 10 you die.....dps as fast as possible (drums prepot cds)
boss 6 rotface = same as saurfang minus worms
boss 7 putricide = same as saurfang minus worms
boss 8 blood council = same as saurfang minus worms
boss 9 blood queen = when she bites you, you have 1 minute to slay her.....dps as fast as possible (drums prepot cds) this and festergut are the dps checks to solo icc 25 h if you cannot solo this or festergut before you die you cannot solo icc 25 h
boss 10 dreamwalker = as warrior you hug right or left wall in the room, have to be level 90, under level 90 will aggro adds, you will NOT aggro adds if you hug the wall correctly, walk to elevator, i got mount to drop when dreamwalker was still alive so dreamwalker being up or not does not affect mount drop
boss 11 sindragosa = she can do some nasty to you if she stays alive long enough, possibly ice tomb you, so dps as fast as possible (drums prepot cds)
boss 12 lich king = ok fun part......make sure you have bladestorm as a talent (storm bolt if you are pro at whirlwinding ice orbs it can be done but you have to have the rage and stuff, and use heroic throw too to kill ice orb, ice orbs suck and that will be the main problem for you as warrior is to dps them before they knock you off).......when you pull boss prepot drums cds....avoid shadow traps (black smoke at your feet, have to move away before it makes a dark circle on the ground, you get knocked off it you are standing in it)........he goes to the middle.....just keep beating on him and ignore adds (the cloak proc kills the adds for you pretty much)......if you see an ice orb up make sure you have enough rage for a whirlwind.....try to connect the ice orb with your whirlwind.....if you cant run away from the ice orb and try to heroic throw it from a distance......if that fails use your bladestorm as the last out to kill the ice orb......try to maintain some rage to always have whirlwind readily available for any ice orbs......keep beating on lich king.....also at the same time stay at top health, i forget the debuff but if your below 90% you start taking progressive damage.....use die by the sword cooldown enraged regen when you find it useful......if you go in frostmourne go def stance and use shield barrier whenever possible to reduce damage taken.....if you see valkyr angels try to dps lich king as fast as you can to the 2nd intermission phase cause it is possible you can be grabbed (never happened to me but has happened to alt runs)......after he does fury of frostmourne you can stand on the steps to not have damage luck!
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Not sure why this trick isn't working for me...
I cleared everything on 10 man normal - and then went to switch it over to 25 man Heroic. Inside the dungeon I tried to make the switch - but it only let me go to Heroic. I couldn't change it to 25 man. So I zoned out - changed it to 25 man heroic - and went back in - and it switched back to 10 man normal. I even tried doing this with the extended lock on it - and it still didn't work.
What am I doing wrong here?
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10/10 would mount again
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Gather 'round, for the tale I am about to tell you... is a true tale.
I engaged the almighty Lich King with my Tauren Monk, trained by the greatest masters at the Peak of Serenity (and lots of level grinding) in the formidable arts of Pandaren martial arts.
There we clashed atop the frozen throne, a battle of wills- a glorious thing that NOBODY has ever done before. Ever. I'm not even kidding, guys.
Lo and behold, on his last legs, the Lich King unleashed the terrible fury of frostmourne- which I survived because I'm totally invincible like that- and began his motive rant for the entire campaign of Northrend. I continued to punch his stupid face down to 1 smidgey HP and then some, using him as an impromptu training dummy.
Then I looked up at the Val'kyr he had summoned earlier in the battle, and no faster than I did so than did they notice me looking at them and realized I actually paid attention to them.
And by acknowledging their mechanic, I was unceremoniously hoisted off my hooves, carried to the edge of the Frozen Throne, and dumped off the side like garbage. I despaired until I realized that King Terenas would save my hide anyway, so I just waited.
I was then revived, and I punched the Lich King in the toe while he thrashed about in the souls Frostmourne had held. The finishing blow.
Fuming at the mechanic actually doing it's job, I simply autolooted and glimpsed the reins for a split moment. I rejoiced.
And now here I am, friends, reciting my epic tale of how I got oneshot by the one oneshot mechanic I never even thought about. Then maybe in its gratitude it gave me the horse.
... Downvote me as you may. I found the whole chain of events to be funny.
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Guys... I know no one belive this buy I had to comment. Today i did my first heroic 25 man icc with 5 ppl. It was my first time and i rolled 97 on it :).
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Ever since 6.0 launched, I've decided to max out all the classes to 90 including 3 more on other servers. Bringing a total of 14 chances each week to get Invincible and Mimiron's head. I just completed my rounds for all my toons this week and still no luck. That's roughly 80+ kills spread out all my classes and I'm starting to believe these mounts DO NOT EXIST!
I'm curious does anyone have more kills on these bosses than I have before it finally dropped for them?
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Just got mine today, before my Highmaul raid. Been running it for weeks on 4 toons. I literally jumped out of my seat. So nice ;)
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I got mine this past Tuesday reset after almost 5 agonizing years of watching it go to officers or ninjas. 23rd Solo on THAT toon, over 180 kills account wide since MoP dropped~ Many more before that. I cried. Lots.
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This just dropped on my Rogue when I was running solo.
Also uploaded a screenshot. Good luck to you fellow farmers, keep at it and fingers crossed!
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Due to the new soloing mechanics in WoD and beyond, ICC is easily soloable on 25 man heroic at level 100, even if you're still in quest gear. So, unless you are going for a specific transmog from 10 man, just clear the raid in 25 normal then switch to heroic for the LK kill. This will save you time from having to run out of the instance to switch from 10 to 25.
Blizzard specifically gave us a hidden buff when entering old raids and dungeons at max level so that we can still solo raids with the stat squish.
Also, Valithria can be skipped if you can't heal.
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Over 300 solo runs im starting to believe this mount is a myth lol.......... Also iv been doing the 10 man switch to 25 heroic maybe it just dont want me to have it. To the guy who commented i have been doing it on 25 heroic what part dont u understand its a lockout i have from another toon lk only
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Just got it today on my first solo Heroic, Oh. Em. Gee.
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dropped today for my friend and me. he was helping me farm for the 50 shards on heroic and it was our 7th run according the Rarity addon. never expected to see it drop within the times we would have to run it in order to get the shards. let him have it since he is a mount collector. it does suck farming for mounts but they do drop eventually. good luck.
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How to farm
Invincible's Reins
the easy way. Presuming that you know where the
Icecrown Citadel
raid is
To be able to access the Lich King on Heroic 25m (the only version that drops
Invincible's Reins
), you will have to have defeated the
Lich King
at least once. (Normal 25m).
Then for a fresh lock-out period (after a Tuesday reset)
1) Set raid difficulty to 10-Player Normal
2) Clear 10/11 bosses - you can skip Valithria Dreamwalker
3) Use Scourge Transporter after Sindragosa fight and use option "Teleport to Light's Hammer."
4) Exit raid instance
5) Set raid difficulty to 25-Player Normal
**Note: If you set it to 25-Player Heroic it will tell you that "You are ineligible to participate in at least one encounter in this instance because you are already locked to an instance in which it has been defeated."
6) Enter raid instance
7) Right click your portrait and set raid to Heroic
8) Accept message about entering instance with 10/12 bosses in progress.
9) Use Scourge Transporter. "Teleport to the Upper Spire."
10) Head to Lich King and talk to Highlord Tirion Fordring to start fight.
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Pretty sure this is going to hit a lot of people the wrong way, but it dropped after just 5 kills on my toon. Don't fret though, I've spent many years before I saw Fiery Warhorse and still have to obtain al'ar. Seems though, that this toon has a little more luck then my previous characters. Also obtained Thunderfury and 1 Glaive after just 3 weeks. I've submitted a screenshot :). Happy farming people!
Also, I cleared the entire raid on Heroic 25man every week. So I didn't switch from 10 Normal to 25 Heroic right before the LK.
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Got mine today... :) On my 4'th try only... I was like " holy $%^& " ... I think i made a victory scream too :D haha ..
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For those wondering about Invincibles grave location, you want to go to Balnir Farmstead, the coordinates are 78.62, 59.69. So if you have tomtom, you want to type in " /way Tirisfal Glades 78.62, 59.69 " without the quotes of course, should take you right to the grave, happy hunting.
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Had this drop today. Solo 25man I can with my warrior , skipped dream walker (finally) and it dropped after my third attempt (kept getting blown off) used heroic jump and charge (quickly) and killed him. Am so so happy :)
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after 511 kills on multiple chars on my account finaly got it rng baby :D
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Got the Drake of the South Wind earlier today on my first time through Throne of the 4 I just got Invincible my first time through 25 heroic LK! ...posted a screenshot to prove it.
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On my 89th kill, still not even a sight of it. By this time I've had the time to lvl up 2 new 80's and farm 3 shadowmournes. This and Mimiron's Head is by far the rarest mounts I've ever tried to put my hands on. Have wanted this since 2009 when mmo-champion announced it. I beg for it to drop next reset.
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Dropped for me on 1/30/2015 when I made my FIRST attempt at farming it!
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Made an account here just to post after 5 years of farming, I finally got Invincible to drop.
Good Luck to all the other farmers and i hope you enjoy it as much as i am.
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After around 100 ICC runs I finally got this mount yesterday night. Ever since I heard about this mount, it has been on my most wanted mount list (I roleplay DK ofc).
Now that I have it, I've been listning on Invincible music (
) all day at my office. Yeah 7h of this music on my office and never gets tired of it!
Never give up on farming for it is my advice :) Keep up and happy hunting!
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Got this after almost 100 runs. Biggest pro tip if you farmit on multiple alts- MAKE A ROGUE can clear up to LK every week, as a rogue you can stealth past most the mob's and do it faster, also combat rogues have great aoe and you can just wreck everything and heal.
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Wow I actually feel terrible reading all these comments.. I got it on my 3rd week of "farming" (aka for the sole purpose of obtaining the mount, excluding any kills in the past in groups/for transmog/etc)...
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Just got this today after my first time running ICC 25-man heroic ever.
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after 344 kills across 6 chars I got the mount drop. GG.
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21-02-2015 there was one up on BMAH Mazrigos Eu sold for 367.000
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It does appear as of 6.1 you can no longer clear up to LK on Normal and then switch to Heroic for LK. I did it like that the Monday before the patch, and now, Wednesday after the Patch I can't switch to Heroic any longer.
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Is it just me or if you add this mount to your collection and you put it on your random favorite list whenever you are in a zone, and don't have flight it always seems to choose this mount? I have like like 4 mounts as favorites yet it always selects this one if i am on a lower level alt that does not have flying. Is this a bug or does it have to do with certain mounts being favored in flightless zones?
For more clarity the other mounts i have as favorites are old school flying mounts that used to not work in flightless zones.
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After seeing it announced by MMO-champion back in 2009 I have wanted Invincible so bad. Today I
got it
, after 107 LK25HC kills since late december 2010. This is probably - to me the greatest accomplishment I've ever done in wow. I feel so extremely happy.
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Got it today after 44 kills and lemme say... I nearly died when I say it in the loot box. This is the one mount I actually have ever truly wanted in WoW. Farmed it every week on my 100 warrior, my 98 druid, and my 95 monk. Determination and time, and this mount will be yours! :)
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I've got it last night, across all the characters I have 18 total kills. which considered low by standards.. everytime on those 18 tries I was looking loot screen with passion and searching reins with expecting eyes. I dont know how happened but my expectations met and mount dropped without tiring me out. I wish everyone else have the same luck as I have, but first let me replace my toons mount bars with invincible now :)
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Anyone got it recently doing a lockout from 10 n to 25 h? Iv got 400+ runs this way im starting to wonder.... But i also got 250+ mounts and seen once u hit that many its harder to get any to drop i know its all rng but still....
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Just got this today after only running it 4 times
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125 mount yet :(
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Dropped on the 26/03. Did the raid as 10 man Normal for 11/12 then swapped to 25 man HC for the Lich King. This was about my 40th try so no complains really.
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After several weeks of using this mount, I can say that nothing in this game makes me feel like a total badass like this mount. Honestly the most awesome mount in game!
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so I finally get a drop that says invincible. I get excited for half a second and then realize it's just the
Music Roll: Invincible
which has a lower drop chance then the actual mount. Great...
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Just got
Invincible's Reins
Music Roll: Invincible
! I'm superhappy :D Can confirm that it does drop if you clear on 10m normal up to Lich King and then go out switch to 25n, then go in and set 25hc. You can also share lockout with alts, but remember to only set it to 25n because if you set it to 25hc before you share it you will get locked on your lockout char also. Never give up! :)
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Is this mount still in game? I heard it was taken out 4 patches ago...
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Well Invincible finally dropped for me. I have been killing him almost every week since Wrath. I've seen it drop many times, but never won the roll.
It dropped for me on Monday 5/11/15
One thing happened though right after I killed Arthas. My game crashed, and had to reopen wow. I thought I wouldn't make it in time before his body disappeared before I have even looted him. But luckily I did, and when I looted there it was, Invincible's Reins instead of that stupid music roll troll.
So, maybe when you kill arthas alt-f4 your game, and hurry up and log in :)
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Just got it today
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Got it today!
Farmed it since, around September-October 2014? 44 run's in total. The character that got it, monk, did 7 runs.
Happy as hell!
Good luck to fellow mount farmers.
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Do you have to be a tank, or a class than can be a tank (warrior,DK,druid) for this to drop, or can it drop for anyone?
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Got it 2 days ago, was the greatest day in my WoW life. I currently have 96 kills account wide! I had just boosted my priest to 90 and leveled it to 100. Once I hit 100 I headed to ICC to do my weekly run and it happened to drop on my priests first run! Was so excited and finally glad its all over, never stepping back into ICC! Good luck to you fellow farmers, it will come soon!
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Took me 259 kills to get. Life is great.
Oh, and yeah. Clear 10N, go out. Switch to 25N, go in. Set to 25HC. You're golden.
Get a friend to join you for Sindragosa and have him keep the 11/12 10N save. Just use that every week until you completely lose your sanity.
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Dropped for me today.
~100 run.
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Today 4/6/14 this mount dropped, after 2 years of farming on 8 characters every week. Made me shake and a huge smile came on my face when my gf passed it for me. This is truly an amazing mount.
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running 25 H and while killing LK was joking to my brother about the music that drops. was surprised to find both the mount and the music! 9 runs in. woo!
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got it on my 30ish run!
good luck to you all raiders!
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The more classy mount for sure !
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Got this after maybe 20 25H runs, the high of having it drop was lost on me cuz I really wasn't expecting it to drop lol
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After so many runs, so, so many runs it finally dropped. For those who are trying, keep going it's there I promise.
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For those of you farming this and other mounts in raids using multiple characters each week here is a tip that will greatly reduce the time between all of your characters to farm the same boss preventing you from having to clear trash and unwanted bosses each time. You just need to clear up to boss you want on one character you then share the lockout with your other characters. To do this do the following.
1. With one character clear up to boss you want. Make sure and do not kill the boss you are wanting the loot/mount from
2. Leave instance
3. With that character that cleared up to last boss or boss you want to farm create a pre made group.
2. Log in with Second character and join the pre made group then log back out
3. Log back in with the original character and accept the invite request from your second character then log back out.
4. Log in with your second character and accept the invitation and join the group. Choose the raid difficulty and size then zone in. After zoning in you will get the message to accept the other raid lockout. If for whatever reason it does not work then you just simply need to reset instance on the second and following alts.
For this one just keep the lockout on your main to 10M Normal. On your alts enter, accept message leave, change to 25M Normal then enter and change to 25 Heroic.
Good luck and hope this helps you mount farmers out there as it has me.
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Guys... I can't describe what i feel right now...
Around 2 years ago, my journey with that farm started. At the start I was 2manning it with my friend, but with time i started soloing it on more and more characters. I tried so hard... I was getting other mounts, but that ONE was the one i truly wanted... But sadly, my RNG was really brutal...
Today, before going to bed i decided to do my runs ( 8 characters, so takes a while )...
Now, after around 350 runs (made a countdown of all kills, apparently it was 344 )... Can You imagine what i felt, after looting it? I got shocked, I couldn't move...
Finally, the nightmare is over... And I won't visit Icecrown Citadel anytime soon...
Too bad I have to wake up in 5 hours, I kinda won't be able to sleep now : D
Good luck to all You farmers out there... I know You heard that a lot of times... But he's there waiting for YOU!
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163 runs on numerous characters over 2 years and it finally dropped. It was one of those spare of the moment ideas that I honestly thought nothing would come of it, but I thought, I'll get that sword for my warrior from arthas. Skipped the cinematic and just looted and then it pops up on my screen 'invincible mount' I just stared at the screen, my breath taken away with Edward Scissorhands - The Grand Finale playing in my mind...two hours later when it sunk in...actually it hasn't yet, the feeling is amazing. Good luck to all seeking this mount, I hope you get that feeling and the mount too ^^
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After 3 years of farming this mount, I have finally gotten it. It took exactly 196 H LK kills to get it to drop. To date, this mount has had the worst drop rate for me personally of all raid mounts (and I've farmed nearly all of them).
Instead of just simply posting that mount still drops, I thought I'd describe the process I went through to eventually obtain Invincible's Reins.
I started soloing H LK regularly on two characters (DK and Hunter) in mid-to-late MoP (when the gear I got allowed me to do so). I continued this regularly throughout the rest of MoP, and into WoD. Once WoD hit, and I leveled another character or two past level 90, I started farming him on about 4 characters every week.
The mount just wouldn't drop. I was nearing somewhere between 90-100 kills when I decided to get incredibly serious about farming this mount.
I learned about transferring lockouts via the Group Finder tool (inviting your own characters to your own group), and knew that this would save me TONS of time. (I was about to go crazy if I had to clear all of ICC again.) It was then that I decided to level all of my alts (plus a couple new characters) to level 91+ so that I could farm LK on as many characters as possible each week. For the last 2-3 months, I have been farming LK every week on TEN characters via the same lockout that I extend every week on the same character.
It finally dropped on my 10th run for the week, at kill 196.
I honestly considered submitting a ticket on multiple occasions because I was getting this feeling that perhaps Blizzard had some weird loot constraints that disallowed rare items to drop on extended/shared lockouts. (Yeah, an odd presumption indeed, but after so many kills, one starts to wonder....) In the end, though, using an extended lockout over and over got the job done. I absolutely cannot imagine having to clear all of ICC 196 times to get this mount. Forget about farming that on one character, one week at a time.
TL;DR: If you're serious about farming this mount, level a bunch of alts to 91+, have one character save a lockout and extend it each week, and pass that lockout to all of your farming characters via either the Group Finder tool or a friend.
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It dropped to me after 4 weeks of farming with 10 chars x 100 lvl.
I always wanted the mount, but never try to get it, due the low % of droprate.
1st week i was happy to farm,
2nd i did it mechanically,
3rd i was bored but i was lucky to know the information that i dont need, to clean the whole raid with all my chars...
and 4th week, finally droped!
am i happy? ...hmm lets just say, there is nothing in this game that can make me happier :D
ps. Its faster to build many chars x 100 lvl then try to farm the mount with 1 or 2 chars and do it for...years!
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Success, followed by indescribable happiness.
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So let's get this straight, you get a heroic 25 man mount piece, with a chance of 0.90% to drop and 24 other people with you in a raid, i don't think you will get the mount
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It just dropped for me, it was my
228th kill.
I still can't believe.
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I've been farming this since WotLK..and after 488 runs across 10 toons it finally dropped for me about 30 minutes ago. Out of all the other rare mounts I have received over the years (Ashes, Experiment 12-B, Mimirons Head & The Fiery Warhorse to name a few) this one was at the peak of the mountain for me. I'm literally shaking writing this because it's almost unbelievable. The nostalgic memories of seeing this mount when it first came out, and seeing others ride it..and how that very moment I knew I had to get this mount. Years of hopeless attempts and it all finally paid off. I'm ecstatic and I hope all of you veterans out there will feel the same way about obtaining this mount, for those who are still working at it. Never, never give up hope!
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If you are desperate for getting invincible, and rng aren't in your favor, Recruit a friend is an exllecent tool to lvl up more chars fast. So far i went from having 8 tries a week to about 30 now, but still haven't got it yet, tho i've got many other mounts like mimiron's head, fiery warhorse.
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I am so happy right now, dropped on my
413th RUN
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Just got this 30minutes ago :D Finally! Was doing the raid with a friend who is new to the game and never got to do ICC while at the same time doing my Shadowmourne questline(24/50shards) And had my fingers crossed but didnt actually expect it to drop :) After 100+ runs im happy to finally have it. Now just 5 more runs and im done with icc forever
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Just dropped around 20 minutes ago, Probably my favorite mount in the game. It took only 8 tries for it :D
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Omg I got mine on the first try solo on my level 100 DK,, I also got Fiery Warhorse on the same day.
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68 tries and it dropped. You just need patience. I did it for a long time on one toon only. Recently on four toons every week for some time.
Edit: iard is really a winey, jealous &*!@#. I have to say most comments now are positive when you have got drop but in the past ... lol.
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I got it on my 6th run, well i guess i was lucky :P btw, terrific mount.
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ok so.... i just got this sweet baby today. at my 85th run the bad thing is i only run with 1 char for years cause... I am lazy to do it with alts but i am so happy after all this time i fanally have it!
P.d. almost had a heart attack
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I'm so happy right now, on my 3th run it dropped allready :O
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This mount FINALLY dropped... The day that I asked for help on the Blood Infusion quest for Shadowmourne. There were 5 of us. I didn't get it.
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today get
Invincible's Reins
(of corse in hc25)
All my raid maunt Statistic:
already get:
Fiery Warhorse's Reins
- it don't counts
Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
- 5 runs (100% drop)
Invincible's Reins
- 8 runs
Experiment 12-B
- 9 runs
Reins of the Blue Drake
Reins of the Azure Drake
- 17 runs
not yet get:
Ashes of Al'ar
- 96 runs
Reins of the Onyxian Drake
- 87 runs
Flametalon of Alysrazor
- 23 runs
Life-Binder's Handmaiden
- 13 runs
Reins of the Blazing Drake
- 13 runs
Mimiron's Head
- 8 runs
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Drop rates for this mount is completely obscene. I do tempest keep every week for pets to sell on the auction house and I get ashes every 2 or 3 weeks which nearly has the same drop rate as invincible. However in Tempest Keep there is not a scaling buff that affects all of your stats but there is in Icecrown Citadel. Would it affect your qualification for this mount drop or not because I have been trying to get this for years so if anyone knows anything about
Strength of Wrynn
please let me know because this is kinda getting old.
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Just got Invincible's Reins tonight which coincidentally I also got Mimiron's Head a few hours before. Crazy that I am done after so many runs.
Anyways, one thing that I wanted to add that I was worried about and couldn't really find in the comments was that the mount still drops even if you kill the Lich King before the RP is over. I was always worried that maybe if I am killing him too fast that it would bug the mount drop or something. However, since that is exactly what I just did and the mount still dropped then that theory can be put to rest. Good luck everyone!
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Just did my 552 kill - no drop. I have more then one wow-acc and can do around 15 LK-kills per week. I have a few toons that keep the ID. Heres how i do it every week:
Char with id invites farmer. Farmer goes in ICC. Farmer is promoted to leader and Char with ID leaves the group.
Farme kills bloodqueen. Farmer is saved to instance. Farmer leaves instance and changes to 25. Farmer enters the instance and changes to heroic difficulty. Farmer kills LK on 25+hero(52,2 Mio HP). Loottable IS 25-heroic. This is all right, right ?
But still no mount :-).
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Farmed it for a year and a half on my main, switched to an alt for %^&*s and giggles and it dropped...go figure.
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It finally dropped yesterday.
155 kills on my 10 characters.
Best mount I ever had.
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HOLY SH....just dropped a few Minutes ago on my unbelieveble 598 (!) kill.
An aera has ended ^^
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I Stopped playing right before WotLK came out and was flying around draenor in my onyx netherdrake : / when someone told me i really needed a better mount. I agreed and looked up a few mounts. The very first mount i went for was this and i got invincible on my first run EVER. Now all i want to do is farm old boss mobbs for rare mount drops. I guess its fireland and Kun-Lai Summit Every week till i get them.
Blizz really knows how to reel you in...
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Dropped today, after gazilion tries. #$%^ING BEST MOUNT EVER :-) First thing I did was visit Invincible grave
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Just got the mount after 3 weeks of farming. I was fairly discouraged when reading a lot of the comments here (500+ runs no mount etc). All up I did 14 runs (6 toons per week, got it on the third week on my 2nd toon). Had autoloot on and couldn't believe my eyes when it dropped. On to Mim's head!
I feel extremely lucky and hope it drops soon for all of you!
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Just dropped today for me, ironically I was thinking of giving up hardcore farming him (9 characters per week).
Wanted to confirm that you can kill Arthas as soon as he gets lifted up after Frostmourne is shattered and the mount will drop without issue.
I think these rare mounts drop just when you are thinking the least about them during your runs. Good luck farming everyone.
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Been trying for Invincible for many years, well, since ICC was introduced. Between my main and all 11 of my alts, all of which 90+, I'm sure I have at the very least around 120-150 25H LK kills.
I was in a couple days ago with my Fiancé trying to gather up the last few Shards I needed for the axe on one of my toons, her trying for X-mog gear that she wanted from some bosses.
At this point we had, for the most part, given up on crossing our fingers for the mount, as we had both learned from many previous instances that rare mount drops will almost
pop up if your anticipating or hoping they will, just as a watched pot will never boil.
Spending the whole time talking to each other on skype, clearing the raid without even hardly looking at what we were doing had become second nature to us. We downed LK, and were talking to each other as usual, it wasn't until my Rarity addon went off after I looted him that I even remembered that I was in ICC, and had just killed LK.
We were both deep in a conversation with each other. Next thing I know, its silent. Our focus went from 99% to each other 1% to the game, to 100% to the game and dead to the world to everything else in about a half second.
Pretty sure we must have sat there, literally speechless for a good 15+ seconds before i asked her "Is that really what I think it is?", even though I could see the mount on my screen, I still, for whatever reason, felt the need to ask a question I already knew the answer to. Perhaps just the sheer magnitude of the disbelief of it, I mean, I'm fairly certain both our jaws were on the floor.
Ended up letting her have it.
Which, while that means I wont be able to fly around on my pretty pony just yet (or possibly ever), I still get to look at it's beauty every day every time she mounts up (which is double the beauty!).
Edit: I dont think she has dismounted since she got it.
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After 153 kills, 3 Shadowmourne quest lines completed throughout two years, I finally saw my first Invincible Reins drop on 9/24/15. In the subsequent month after, still killing 25-H Lich King out of pure habit, I saw two more mounts drop. Yup. RNGesus gave me 3 Invincibles in the span of a month.
For the first time ever, I must say I wish I had brought a friend (or stranger even) along so they could have one of the two extra mounts rather than deleting them. It hurts my soul to type all of this but I hope the extra mounts lost in the void will end up in one of your inventories soon!
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Pretty crazy, i did my first solo run today, and it dropped :) so... kinda like 1st try luck :)
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Just read comments about 100-150 tries and ugh... It seems RNG really hates me.. 210 kills, still counting. Give me the lucky-do ((c) Crendor) someone hehe
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If you are planning on farming this mount on multiple characters, follow these simple steps to only clear the instance once.
1. Clear untill you have killed all the upper floor bosses on 10/25m normal.
2. Exit the instance and set 25m normal, enter again. (skip if cleared on 25m)
3. Create a group in custom with whatever name you want.
4. Log out and in to another character, sign up to the group.
5. Log into the char that made the group, accept the appliction.
6. Now log back into the char you are killing LK with first, accept the invitation, enter the instance, accept the lockout and wait 1.5minutes untill you become leader of the group.
7. Delist your group and kick the character with the origional lockout, and remeber to set the instance to heroic!
8. Kill the lich king and enjoy not getting your mount -> repeat :(.
Edit: You do not need to kick the character who holds the original instance lock. Also, as some said they couldn't get it to work: you need to clear on normal and switch to heroic to create a new instance lock, if not this method will not work.
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My friend that I met in Diablo 3 , He's started wow 2weeks ago and when I started to ask about mounts I said Lich king mount is coolest in the game imo , and I'm trying it 10times everyweek .
He wanted to try it and wiped few times at lich king and I offered my help with my alt , He was very sure about mount gonna drop , I lol'ed and said that it is impossible I'm trying it for years. He insisted that it will drop and I said aight I'll pass if it drops.
It is dropped in his first run of icc and I passed to him but I was very upset , was feeling like I lost my interest with this game etc. And today after reset I did my weekly runs 10times as usual and got nothing. Then I told him to come help kill my 90lv disc priest to kill lk one more time. And if it drops I promised to buy him a wow token. And his 2nd icc ever he dropped it in a row :D And I finally got it :)
2Days ago:
I still can't believe all this the odds should be very low to get 2 invincible in a row and we haven't done third icc yet and the point is...... What if it drops again?
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i guess i was kind of lucky, first killed LK with my 96 lock with 10 man heroic with all the trash loot.
Yesterday, use my 100 shammy finished him and completed all the achievements for 25 ICC man heroic to obtain my icebound vanquisher, i swear the achievement was my sole reason for him. when this morning i woke up and opened my shaman was trying to clear my bag. i was very surprised to see this beauty showed up in my inventory.
So, yes dropped on my second attempt and i wasn't even intentionally aiming at it.
Can some one assure me about this?
Is it a rare mount drop? or guaranteed drop on your first try?
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Ok I've got a question. I'm now at around ~500 tries and the method I'm using is this:
I have a 25N id on another account (not mine) and come weekly ID reset I log onto that char and extend the lockout.
Then for every char on my account I invite this char from the lockout account, make my char leader and my char can switch to 25HC and accept the lockout.
Is this the right way to go about it? A friend just told me that I should clear the instance with one char weekly (until LK ofc) and use THAT lockout instead of an extended lockout from the week before, does that help? I hope I didn't waste 2 years farming.
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Got this on second try with my rogue :D
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Had little hope that this would drop for me, back in the ages i tried 25man HC 3 times.
Today i decided to try n farm it with my 13 chars, got it on my 14th run (total including those past 3 times)
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477 runs later, I have finally obtained it. Keep hope alive boys, never give up, never surrender.
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Compulsory whine - 150+ runs later and still no Reins drop. Is Blizz trying to punish lockout farming -_-
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its Pathetic people have ran ICC over 400 times and have yet too see the mount but then there is people that get it on there 3ed kill F.......Ridiculous
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Don't make the same mistake I've done. I have ran ICC in normal 10m and heroic 10m and normal 25m for 2 weeks long trying to farm this mount. I was changing the instance difficulty about how strong my characthers were... But It is only dropping on 25h. You can do the entire instance in normal mode if you want, but you have to do the Lich King on 25m heroic. You can get a friend if you are getting hard time. I finally got to do it on every of my toons very easily, you only have to learn what stuff you want to dodge. Don't stand in black circle. And you gonna see big white stuff dropping around him when he's standing in the middle of the place, it is called '' Ice sphere'' So here's some example of the moves I've made as a macro to kill them instantly.
Unholy Dk: /target ice sphere
/cast icy touch
Bm Hunter: /target ice sphere
/cast Arcane Shot
/cast Attack(Pet Command)
Prot Pally: /target ice sphere
/cast Judgment
/cast Avenger's Shield
So try do it with instant recharge or low couldown spell. If you move is on cd, just run away a bit till your move is back up... But even if it's on cd, your target will still be the ice sphere, so you can still one shot it with anything you got up.
When I learned that I had to do it on 25m heroic, it took 2 weeks running it with 7 toons a week for it to drop.
Good luck
PS. Sorry I only speak english for 3 or 4 years long now. So sorry if you don't understand me all the time.
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Got Invincible today after 532 kills! Tears Ahead!
To others who farm it, never give up! It will drop!
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This video shows How to get Invincible's Reins from Arthas The Lich King, final boss of Icecrown Citadel.
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So you all might hate me... but this just dropped for me on my 2nd run through of ICC ever. Didn't realize it was so rare... I wish the rest of you best of luck!
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Log it down 2/27/2016, after 335 runs of 25H ICC across several characters, I finally obtained Invincible's Reins.
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213 kills later and its mine <3<3 Keep on dreaming... But for real. Was a struggle fest </3
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The Lich King yells: Is it truly righteousness that drives you? I wonder...
I yell: No, it's your mount.(##RESPBREAK##)16##DELIM##asakawa##DELIM##
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After all of these runs... Invincible... is MINE! Have hope my friends.
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Got mine today! and my wife got so mad when i showed her and wouldnt talk to me...6 hours later she got the mount too....this is the 3rd time this has happened with mounts between us...weird
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269 kills later it finally dropped. I had already started to doubt the mounts existence. Have faith and keep pushing! (:
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200+ kills, and the reigns dropped for me tonight.
After a few months of farming on 12 characters, I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong. (Paranoia set in).
I used the raid-lock guide (seen in the posts here) to avoid full clears on each toon.
This works
, and you don't need to doubt the process.
I also tried different types of kills....from burning LK down, to allowing phases to happen even if I had the power to kill faster. I tried watching the entire RP cutscene, AND cutting it short....and I EVEN let LK Kill me just in case it might help my chances.
In spite of all my attempts, the final kill was quick, with no regards for anything other than getting it done, no paranoia needed. I even skipped the cutscene.
The only reason to possibly draw out the kill is so you don't go mad from the grind. (gotta love the facial expressions during the Raise dead phase.)
I hope this will put someone's mind at ease...because I second guess a lot, and it was actually more of a relief than a conquest for me personally.
Happy hunting, and don't give up!
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I have a funny story about this mount. I was looking in my bags with the bagnon addon on my characters to find something, (I am not really sure what i was looking for anymore). After checking a couple of characters, I clicked on my shamans' bag and all of a sudden I saw a mount in there. Guess was invincible! I am still wondering for how long that mount had been in my shamans' bag and for how long I have ran ICC for no reason, because of this.
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The Lich King
transforms himself into The *itch King every time he refuses to give me
Invincible's Reins
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Been farming as horde on 2 characters for a few months. Cleared the instance up to Arthus on 10man then switch to Heroic 25M but it did not drop.
Anyways, I started playing Alliance last month with a druid. Ran ICC with her and it dropped on the 6th run . As I was already geared with PVP 700, I did it all on 25M heroic from start. it dropped 7 pieces of loot including the tokens.
I recalled when playing horde, if you clear it on 10man to Arthus, then switch to 25M heroic, the number of loot drop was only 5.
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i hate to be "that guy" but im proud to say i got this mount to drop after only a dozen solo runs lol i guess i got it rather quick. im thrilled tho
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So, I think the key here is expecting not to get it. Been farming Vials of the Sands forever to no avail. Seriously, even using the mantid digsite trick. I ran ICC last night figuring I'D make a quick few hundred gold. Expected not to see this as usual. Then my alert goes off. I had just looted Reins! 10th attempt. Going to continue running this on other toons for shadowmourne, but now thinking i should bring someone else just in case.
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Garrosh realm
Ran ICC with a friend (I only needed
Been Waiting a Long Time for This (25 player)
to get
Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player)
We died a few times before getting enough stacks before killing him.
Invincible's Reins
dropped. I rolled a 76 and won it.
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Long ago in the days of old it is said a Demon reanimated from one of the original horses from the Garden of Eden, these steeds were later known as The Steed of Abigor.
In the Folktale it is said that these steeds were Black winged demons that are depicted to have looked just like Invincible.
In a sense when your riding Invincible your riding a Steed of Abigor which in its self is a feat of strength.
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I know people don't like to read "I had it drop!" posts, but I wanted to provide an informative post.
This is to inform anyone that is using the group finder to farm the LK on all your alts, that it DOES work. (despite some rumors it does not) I kill to the LK (on 10m normal) with my warrior as I have each week before going to my alts via the group finder and switching to Heroic 25m. This week it FINALLY dropped on my warlock. (4th alt kill this week and some 166 kills among all them)
TLDR....the group finder DOES NOT prevent the reins from dropping. So long as you're on heroic LK when that bastard dies, the reins have a chance to drop. Don't give up!
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Have 92 runs on 2 characters. Dropped today on first run with fresh 100...
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Mount farming has been testing at times; thankfully been running 11-16 characters through each week for the past few months. Appreciate the comments here about how long it took to obtain them, as it let me know I wasn't alone. So here are my stats according to Rarity (there probably an additional 20-40 kills on each before I started using the addon):
Drake of the South Wind (mostly 10m): 437 kills
Smoldering Egg (Rag, 10m): 303
Vitreous Stone Drake: 252
Invincible: 181
Swift Zulian Tiger: 102
Fiery Warhorse: 93
Mimiron's Head: 82
Ashes of Alar: 38
Deathcharger: 24
Jade Direhorn (1in20): 49
Riding Turtle (1in200): 124
Spineclaw Crab (1in60): 180
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The rarity tracker claimed 159 attempt. I double check the Warcraft Armory statistic and found my actual count to be 257. I'm not going to complain, but I'm done with Lich King.
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Hello everybody I got a video for you today on how to farm all different raid lock out mounts, but you are probably mostly interested in deathwing. In the video I show how to farm with saved raid ID using 25 normal lock-out...yes normal mode lock out !
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Rl friend of mine came back to the game a week ago ran icc25H for first time 2 days ago this dropped for him, happy for him but discouraged because of my rng. Ran icc25h today and finally got it. Very happy with it, super ecstatic on it dropping!
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This mount looks awesome and I wish I had it. That being said, this mount does not look like something the Lich King would ride on; especially when this thing has wings out. This looks more like something a warlock would ride. A DK, in my mind, would be riding an undead abomination not a demon-horse.
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After 2 years break i finally got this mount. Never managed to get this while we killed LK 25 HC in wotlk while it still was 100% drop chance. But now after break on my 2nd attempt this thing dropped...
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This was my first week of setting up a toon to farm the mount. I was running it once a week on one toon for the mount for about 2 months when I decided to look into doing it more efficiently. Got my lock keeper setup with 11/12 lockout. Did the boss on 4 toons and on the 4th one got the mount. I understand how ridiculously lucky that is so good luck to everyone else. I also got Strat mount 2 days ago after about 70 attempts farming so this is an amazing week
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Have been farming Invincible for a while now, fist i started to clear the whole instance on heroic 25 on every char i farmed with.
Then i heard of the trick where you clear it on 1 char and let the rest of your alts join in on the same lockout.
This made it so much faster.
But after a while i started to doubt that the mount could actually drop that way, maby it bugged it or something.
So i was thinking about going back to the old way if it didn't drop soon.
But tonight it actually dropped. :)
So just hang in there guys eventually it will for you to.
It took me 122 kills.
And the lockout trick really works.
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can u get this mount if u buy the save for only lichking hc
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Just got him today after 4+ years of trying!
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I did not expect to see the mount drop at all because I was working on "Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player)". During the Lich King encounter to finish "Been Waiting a Long Time for This", I died 3 times. After I killed Lich King on the 4th try, I got both mounts: the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher and Invincible. Thanks RNG!
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Got him today with my Demon Hunter :-) soo happy, been trying since 2012
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ICC, oh ICC, I love you many ways.
With many toons, I farm your mount, over many thousand days.
Someday maybe I'll see it drop; you'll see a tear fall from my eye...
Because ICC, oh ICC, after that, my dear, GOODBYE.
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Got this guy doing solo runs 3rd time in.
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dropped for me on my 19th run (over all characters) - JUST NOW - I feel extremely lucky after reading about people farming it for years and maeby dropping after hundreds of kills
Goodluck to all of you trying to get this mount! May the RNGesus be in your favour!
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EDIT>> Don't give up folks! Just finally dropped for me, after 169 kills over 6 different toons. This shared lockout trick does work. (also got Reins of the Drake of the South Wind from Al'Akir last week in the same way.) Good luck!
Raid Lockout trick explained. How to share raid lockout with your alts.
I've seen parts of this online in various places, but not all of it, and certainly not all in one place, so I thought I'd put it together for anyone wondering how this works -
It's mostly the same process for different raids with just a few variations. I'll start with Ice Crown Citadel, farming The Lich King for Invincible's Reins:
1. Put any character you want to kill the Lich King (character A) in Northrend's Dalaran.
2. With an alt of yours (character B), set your raids to 10 man normal, go to Icecrown and clear all of ICC but the Lich King. (Unless you want more gold from selling - then do 25 man normal. But if you're in a hurry, just do 10 man - it's faster)
2. Hearth out and then change raids to 25 man normal.
3. Using the Group Finder tool, click on Premade Groups, then Custom, then "Start a Group". Give it a name and Click "List Group". Once it is listed, make sure "Auto Accept" is UNCHECKED.
4. Log out of Character B.
5. Log in on Character A, and go to group finder. Click Premade Groups, then Custom, then Find a Group. Find the group you created with Character B and click to join it. Log out.
6. Log in to Character B. Click the group finder icon on your mini map. You will see that your other toon has asked to join the group. Click invite and then log out.
7 Log back in on Character A. You should have the Join Group window on your screen. Join the group and you will see your other toon offline as group leader. Mount up and head for ICC. You have about 2 minutes or so to do this. (I haven't actually counted it yet).
8 Enter ICC while your other toon is still group leader. It should warn you that you're joining a raid with 11/12 bosses dead. Click OK.
9 Eventually, lead will pass to you. When this happens, uninvite Character B, and then change the raid to 25 man Heroic. You will again see the warning about bosses dead. Click OK and go kill the Lich King. Hopefully you'll get Invincible, but if not...
10 Repeat process by putting another toon, Character C in Dalaran and then get on Character B and do the group finder process all over again.
11 And here's the really cool part. If you do this with a bunch of characters and don't get Invincible and need to try again next week after the reset, you don't have to clear the whole instance again...
12 Get on Character B, after the Tuesday reset. Click on the "Social" button at the left of your screen above the chat pane. At the bottom of the Social pane is a tab on the right called "Raids". Click that and then the Raid Info button at top. You'll see all the raids you did last week as expired. Click on Icecrown Citadel and then the totally cool part - Click "Extend Raid Lock" at the bottom, and you'll be right back where you were last week with all but the Lich King down. Now you can repeat everything above and all your other toons will be able to go directly to the LK without having to clear all the other bosses first. Extend the raid lock every week until you get Invincible!
Other raids:
For Dragon Soul, you can't do it the same way. Just clear all but Madness of Deathwing to start with on your alt, with it set at 25 man normal. Then use group finder for your other toons, but they'll have to stay on 25 man normal. (I'm not sure if it works on Heroic to start with)
Throne of 4 Winds, it's not really necessary to do all this because the First boss Conclave of Wind goes down so fast on 10 man, but if you want to, it's the same process as ICC.
Ulduaar: Same as ICC... <edit> except you can't change it to Heroic. Just make sure you do Yogg Saron with No Watchers helping
These are the only ones I've done it with so I can't speak to how others work.
Good luck!
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I'm really starting to wonder if i'm doing something wrong. I'm at 183 LK Heroic kills and i've tried just about everything: solo runs, raid lockout trick, removing the's getting frustrating.
My raid lockout strategy is this:
1) Login on character I don't want to kill the Lich King on.
2) Run ICC 10 man. Stop before Lich King. Exit ICC.
3) Change raid to 25 man.
4) Run back in. Click accept 11/12.
5) Create Group. Log out.
6)Log into character I want to kill LK on.
7) Request to join Group. Log out
8) Log back into 1st character. Invite join group request. Log out
9) Log back into character I want to kill LK on. Accept the group invitation.
10) Fly to ICC.
11) During the route, this character will have become the Party Leader.
12) Enter ICC.
13) Remove the 1st character from group.
14) Delist the Group
15) Change the 25-man normal to 25-man Heroic.
16) Kill the LK.
17) Log out.
18) Log back into 1st character, which still has the lockout. Create Group.
19) Repeat for my 6 other toons.
20) When Tuesday rolls around, I extend the lockout on the 1st character. Do it all over again.
If anyone has gotten Invincible using this same exact method, please let me know.
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does it make a difference if i skip Valithria Dreamwalker? will the mount still drop?
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I've been reading a lot of lockout sharing posts that take too many steps to form the group, and involve unnecessarily having the lead passed. I use Auto Accept when I make my groups to eliminate 2 unnecessary logins, and 2 unnecessary logouts, and I form the groups with my farm characters instead of the clear character to eliminate the reliance of a group leader switch, which if not done correctly can cause you to get ported out of the raid, or the lockout to not be shared correctly.
Here's the fastest, safest way I've found so far to share lockouts, with just 3 logins and 2 logouts for each farm run, and no group leader switching:
Use a Clear Character to clear the raid up to (but not including) the Lich King on 25 man Normal difficulty.
Note: Do not clear on Heroic dificulty, as sharing a Heroic lockout will not allow an independent instance of the lockout to be created, and you would find that after you kill the Lich King on a Farm Character, the progress for both your Farm Character and Clear Character will have been updated to show the Lich King as killed, leaving you with no lockout with the Lich King still up to share with more Farm Characters, and effectively wasting the lockout for your Clear Character.
Move your Clear Character to a zone where it will be "resting" (to avoid Logout delays) and log out.
Log on to a Farm Character, move it to WotLK Dalaran, create a group in Group Finder, set it to Auto Accept, and log out.
Log on to your Clear Character, find the group you created with your Farm Character, join it, and log out.
Log on to your Farm Character, de-list your group, and remove anyone who joined as a result of Auto Accept being enabled. Do not remove your Clear Character from the group at any point. They will remain in the group in an Offline status throughout the entire run.
On your Farm Character, set the raid to 25 man Normal (to match the lockout of your Clear Character so it will be shared correctly) and enter the raid. Immediately upon entering, you will be notified that bosses have already been killed. Accept the prompt to share the lockout. Once accepted, change the raid to 25 man Heroic. You will receive the same notification that bosses have already been killed. Accept the prompt. Now, you can kill the Lich King.
Note: The combination of your Farm Character being the group leader, the Clear Character being offline, and the initial difficulty being set to 25 man Normal when you first entered the raid, and then changed to 25 man Heroic, will allow your Farm character's lockout to update independently of your Clear Character's lockout. This will allow the Clear Character's lockout to continue to be shared with more Farm Characters, as it will not receive credit for the Lich King kill.
After you kill the Lich King, hearth out, and leave group.
For each additional character you want to farm on, repeat the process starting at step #3.
Once you are finished running all of your Farm Characters, log on to your Clear Character, ensure the raid is still set to 25 man Normal, and enter the raid. You will not receive a notification that bosses have been killed. Change the raid to 25 man Heroic, and you will now receive a notification that bosses have been killed. Accept the prompt, and kill the Lich King on your Clear Character as your final kill for the week.
Final notes:
As long as you can loot the Lich King, you are eligible for all possible loot, including the mount, so long as the raid is set to 25 man Heroic.
At any point before you make the killing blow, always double check that the raid difficulty is set to 25 man Heroic. If it's not and combat has already started, jump off the platform to kill yourself, wait a few minutes for things to reset so you can release, and start over. I always use the RP event at the end of the fight as an opportunity to double check.
I'm up to 295 runs and have received all loot (including the new pet and multiple music rolls and Razorice effects) except for Invincible.
Update: Dropped on 12/6/2016, kill 330.
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It just dropped for me..
was joking around with a guildie on Gchat when i said that i saw an execute crit of 30milions and i was "he better drop my dead horse now"
and after 202 kills there it was...
my hands are shaking..
IT WILL drop....
edited number of kills across all my toons
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Just dropped for me after 152 LK kills. Used the alt shortcut. Do not give up hope!
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232 kills.
Still nothing.
Is it really on BMAH?
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Just got on my 110 marksman hunter! Was aiming for the bow transmogs, but got this instead! Can't complain though!
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Got it on 17/01/2017. Farming on-off since cata
Took 179 kills over some chars, the one with most kill had 51 and the one that got the mount had 22.
Most my runs were 10m normal only changing to 25 heroic on LK, this one was all run 25 heroic.
And this was the first time i put everything on ultra/10 and all anti aliasing just for the sake of it, run entire icc with like 20-30 fps and got the drop. Maybe you can try it next time? who knows...
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Im geting sick of this! More than 180 kills over 4 chars. 91 kills have my best char and still no mount. Im getting crazy, thinking about stopping doing this..
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Praise the LORD.
Finally. After 4 long years. On 17-1-2017 a random DK was asking for help at Valithria Dreamwalker for a piece of Transmog she drops (Plate belt). I was reluctant at first, then I remembered how I struggled to get that piece on my Warrior, so I decided to help on my Level 100 alt Priest. We went in, finished Valithria, then he said,
I can help you with Arthas if you want, I already have the mount
So we went ahead, switched to HC, killed LK and he said
Let me loot him, I'm a lucky charm
. I will never forget those words. My hope fading as he was approaching the corpse of the Fallen Prince, I was expecting the same old 3 tokens, 2 weapons drops. He kneeled and Looted him. The Loot was on Group Loot. And there it was.
Invincible's Reins
in all it's Glory, my heart almost jumped out. I couldn't believe my eyes. All these years and I finally had what my heart desired.
It's funny, I wasn't even going to kill LK that day, I just went in to help that person get his loot.
So remember, help others selflessly and all your Heart's desires will come to you
. I will always remember 17-1-17.
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It's funny what good karma can bring you from helping people. Today I bought my fiance a lot of expensive pets even though i was going to use the gold for me to get all of the jewel crafting mounts. I was a little jealous cause I got him a crawling claw, spectral tiger cub, hatespark the tiny, and other awesome pets and I dont have much cool stuff like that myself... But I did it because he's awesome.
After that I ran for Alexstrasas azure drake, and right before the platform fell apart I accidently clicked on my pandaren fireworks and all these fireworks started going off and I thought "woah.. Todays going to be a lucky day". Low and behold, the azure drake dropped. I talked about the drop to my guild and then said in gchat.. Speaking of which.. I should run icecrown citadel too! So I did.. I wasn't expecting much.. But then to my surprise, invincibles reins actually dropped! :)
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Took me well over 100 runs to get this sucker to drop. I preferred not tracking all the runs I've done to keep me sane. 12 runs per week, for about 3 months. Don't give up hope!
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Im at 412 runs, and havent seen squat. I hope no one else is at how many damn runs I am at. I have had other really rare mounts drop for me, but this one is the bane of the mount farm currently. I wonder how many damn runs ill be getting O.O Will update whenever this damn thing drops
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74 weeks of farming on a single character and he finally drops this magnificent steed! I'll be honest, it feels weird that it's finally mine. Even before reading the novel, 'Arthas', I just knew I had to have his mount.
All the luck in the world to those that are still farming, it is worth every run, I promise!
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My friend just dropped this mount and i can see it but why isnt it invincible ? :S:S
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Got it some days ago on my 3rd try and I don't even like the mount... don't kill me please.
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Guys i finally got it 3.15.17 and it took me 189 runs so don't give up it will drop :)
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This mount is my all time favorite mount, to begin with. After reading Arthas, its meaning grew bigger in me.
I farmed it with 9 alts a week and I got into a point where it made me say "If this mount doesn't drop till the end of the year, I'm quitting WoW".
In October 2015, my dreams came to life. I, of course, lost my sh*t when I saw the loot.
It's been almost 2 years and I'm still not using any other mount, but this.
Don't ever lose your hope. They'll come to life.
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After over 250 tries at this mount, it really is painful to keep running ICC every week. Of all the mounts I've ever wanted on WOW, this is the only one I've ever bothered to farm. Really wish there was some safety net. Like, Run 300 times? Get the mount! At-least then I'd know that maybe someday I'd get it. But going how it is, I might never get it. Even after 1000 runs. And that's really disheartening..
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Has somebody else never switched to any other mount since they looted Invincible?This mount definitely has some magic in it. I'm using it for like 6 straight months now as the only mount.
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After 240+ LK kills, Invincible's Reins just dropped for me! WHooo! What a long time coming, I am very happy right now.
Most importantly- I CAN confirm that the multi-toon lockout method DOES still work and I did turn off the raid buff.
The steps I took were the following:
1. Logged in to my 11/12 25 Man Normal clear character that I use every week.
2. Reactivated the previous week's lockout.
3. Entered ICC.
4. Accepted the pop-up warning that tells me it's 11/12 cleared on Normal.
5. Clicked on Group finder, started group.
6. Logged out.
7. Logged in to LK Kill character
8. Clicked on Group finder, joined group that I made on clear character
9. Logged out.
10. Logged in on clear character, invited my LK Kill character to group.
11. Logged out.
12. Logged in on LK Kill character, accepted invite.
13. Entered ICC.
14. Accepted the pop-up warning that tells me it's 11/12 cleared on Normal.
15. Waited until LK Kill character was made Group Leader
16. Removed clear character from Group.
17. Delisted group.
18. Changed raid to 25 man Heroic
19.Talked to Varian Wrynn and requested to remove raid buff.
20. Kill LK.
21. Rinsed and repeat for over 240+ kills until finally the mount dropped.
I don't know if removing the raid buff helps or not. I changed it up every week to remove buff or keep buff. But, for the drop, I had the buff removed.
Just wanted to share my process for those of you who may have been doubting that it still works. As for me? I will NEVER come back to this hell hole. Thank God. Happy Hunting!
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This is the mount I had to have, it's a mastapiece
Ran this 91 times.
Dropped last night, so happy!
Gl everyone!
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Got this today, 20 something account kills and only the 8th kill on the character that dropped it! So happy, it looks awesome and fits with so many transmog sets
Good Luck to all!
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I had a look at the loot table in-game and the mount is only listed to drop on 25 man heroic. Can anyone confirm this? Also I went in, cleared first two bosses on 10 man, went out, switched to 25 man heroic but it said I am not eligible to enter the instance because at least one encounter have been defeated?
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I got Invincible today from the Unclaimed Box for 63,600 gold.
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I got invincible from an Unclaimed Box on the Black Market Ah. It cost me 63,600 gold. I'm glad that I won that bid. WooT!
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Dropped for me yesterday after about 32 kills between 2 different toons! Sooo happpy! Keeep farming it will drop eventually
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Been farming this on 8 different toons every week for the past 2.5 years.
3 toons for about half a year before that.
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For Shadowlands, I've confirmed that you can still farm on alts using this method with a few modifications (and a lot of logging in back and forth). I'm currently moving but will edit this guide as soon as I can when I'm set back up.
Here's an updated guide for farming this mount in Legion, combining info from multiple older posts plus my own runs. This guide assumes you'll be running on multiple alts that are at least level 100, and I've added some tips accordingly!
Clear 25 Normal through Sindragosa > exit raid > create custom Group Finder Group > join group on alt > enter Normal raid on alt > accept lockout > switch to Heroic > accept lockout again > teleport to Lichy > murder his face > repeat on other alts.
Travel tips:
Two good ways to get there from Legion
. The best is heading to the main portal room for the
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
portal to your shrine, then from there take the portal to Wrath/Northrend
. Second is the portal in the room below Legion Dalaran that takes you to Wyrmrest Temple, which is a bit further away but still in
. From either location, it's a short flight over to
Icecrown Citadel
in southern
Off we go...
Set ICC to
25 Normal
on your
Enter ICC and clear everything up through and including
Everyone's very easy at 110 but there's
a lot
of running. It's a good workout.
Even though she's an easy fight (especially for healers), you can actually skip
Valithria Dreamwalker
and go straight to the elevator if you like, but you'll have to do everyone else before that.
Exit the raid and create a custom group in Group Finder. Make sure Auto Accept is checked, then log out while still in the group.
From Sindragosa, an easy exit is to turn around, go up the stairs to the right, and take the teleporter there to Light's Hammer. From there, the exit is through the room to the left.
If your main and all alts are in the same guild, you can also set group finder to private so you don't have to worry about randoms joining. (Thanks for the tip, serisx!)
If they're not, then the problem with Auto Accept is that other people can join your group, too. If that annoys you or creates problems, don't check Auto Accept. Instead, after you join the group on
, you'll need to log out, log back into
, accept the join request, log out, and then log back into
. It's annoying but it prevents others from joining if you really don't want them to. (I just kept booting any stragglers who joined. *shrug* Up to you. YMMV.)
Log into
and join the custom group you made. (Search by title to find it more quickly.)
Wait for
to become group leader (it's short; 60-90 seconds or so) and set difficulty to 25 Normal.
Even if Normal is already selected, re-select it! This will save you frustration, trust me.
If this is
ALT 2+
, make sure to boot the previous alt in the group or your lockout will be borked when you enter.
You'll always leave your original MAIN TOON
in the group. This lets you keep the same group up and not have to switch or relog every time. :)
Enter ICC on
and accept the Normal lockout. It should be at 11/12 bosses killed (if you didn't skip Valithria).
Lichy's name should be green
when you mouse over the lockout prompt, meaning he hasn't been killed.
If it's 12/12 and/or his name is in red, DO NOT ACCEPT!
Exit the instance, re-select Normal difficulty again, and re-enter.
Same goes for if you don't get a lockout notice at all. Exit and re-select Normal, then re-enter.
Change the difficulty to Heroic (the instance will reload) and accept the new Heroic lockout. (Still 11/12 and Lichy's name should still be green.)
Run up to the teleporter at the end of that first hallway and select "Upper Spire", then run straight up to the center platform there. Stepping on that second teleporter will take you to the Frozen Throne to fight
The Lich King
If you're under 110, depending on class, you will probably survive his damage but can end up dying to his mechanics. Quick tips: keep your back to the stairs (the ones leading up to the throne) during the first phase and, after he moves to the center, never let the
Ice Sphere
s touch you (take them out immediately with a ranged attack of some sort). That should get you through even if you have low DPS.
Lots of roleplaying will waste your time but you can eventually kill him and steal all his loot.
No mount? Repeat steps 3-9 until you've gone through all your alts.
When you're out of alts, you have two choices:
Log back into
for one final attempt this week. (You might have to reset to 25 Normal > enter > accept lockout > switch to Heroic > accept lockout.)
Or, just keep extending the lockout on
indefinitely so you don't have to clear again. I prefer this because clearing ICC takes soooo long that it's not worth the extra run that week for me, but it's up to you!
Cry and return next week to repeat your failures.
If something goes wonky on you, you can always switch back to
and start again at step 3.
Good luck! (•̀o•́)ง
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Gunna get downvoted, and I hope all you haters DO DOWNVOTE IT :D But &*!@ does happen, and you DO get unlucky. heres a screenshot of my rarity. (
) Downloaded this addon to track my kills for everything account wide and its kinda cool! Whenever I have gotten something, it screenshots too! Anyways, Keep your hopes up! Invincible does still drop. I let people use my lockout toon if they ask ahead of time, and one person has gotten Mims head from the Ulduar Lockout I have, about 8 weeks ago, and 1 person at the beginning of 7.2.5 got invincible from my icc lockout! EDIT: 767 attempts guys! finally, ^&*!ing, got it!
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I'd like to add this little story for those who are getting frustrated with this mount not dropping.
I am soon to be 369/100 attempts for Invincible, on this one toon. This is an alt DK. I have a count of 391/100 on my main.
Now, Invincible's Reins was added in patch
This patch released on 8 December 2009.
You can only loot this boss once a week.
The average droprate for this mount is approx 1%. Which is why it says xx/100 on the add-on I use to track drops.
If you figure that there are only so many weeks in a year....It's been 2,806 days since this mount launched as of this posting.
Which is about 400 weeks. 401 come tomorrow afternoon.
Which means that, on this alt, I've only missed killing the Lich King 31 times.
On my main, I've missed killing him 9 times. Much of that due to extended lockouts in the beginning.
I do this run on all 12 of my toons on Silvermoon, once a week, and sometimes on my additional 12 toons on Cenarius.
When someone asks me "What are the odds?" I usually say "Not in my favour." For this very reason.
So if you've tried a handful of times throughout the year, and haven't had it drop...and you're starting to get angry/frustrated/depressed, think of me.
Feel better.
And good luck. :)
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About a month ago I finally decided to do like many players have recommended, which is to clear ICC 25 heroic up to the LK on one toon, create a group on LFR and use the lockout to farm him on my alts. Since I am a major altoholic and have all twelve classes leveled to 110, this gave me at least 11 attempts a week , which I figured would help the odds at least a little bit. After killing LK 11 times the first week, I decided to do the same with Ulduar and add Yogg Saron to the farm, although I was about half as interested in Mim's head as I was
Invincible's Reins
. The second week of LK kills was also fruitless but about halfway through my toons on Yogg, Mimiron's Head decided to drop for my rogue. Obviously, I was happy to have such a cool mount but Invincible was still the ultimate goal. Last night, I ran LK on two toons and right before heading to bed, decided one more shot with my DK. And lo and behold, it dropped!
Point of all of this is just to say that if you have enough max level toons and really want that horse (or head/whatever), doing it this way allowed me to get two of the most sought after within barely a month's time. Don't give up, it will drop! Of course, RNG is RNG, but it just seems that the more "spins of the wheel," you get, the more chances each week you have for it to drop. The only real time it took was switching between alts and actually traveling to ICC. Good luck and thank you to all players whose suggestions helped me get mine!
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Impossibru Reins
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Ok, I haven't gone pass page 2 on the comments, hopefully this will reach the top.
The mount has a solid 1% chance.
This means a 99% chance of a failed attempt.
If you try 100 times @ 99% chance of failure, this means 0.99^100. This equals to 0.366.
This means that over 100 attempts the chance of you not getting the mount is reduced to each subsequent attempt.
For practicality to have 95% chance of getting the mount you need to do the 25H Lich King 300 times.
If you are more on the 99.9% chance of things, it will take you 680 tries.
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Got mine finally after as few as 214 kills.
Lich King! Never see you again in ICC.
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I got this bad boy only in a month, I got really freaking lucky
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We'll, so it happened for me as well 28 September 2017 7.3. After about 170 kills. Invasions 7.2 easy lvling made lvling alts fast, which was nice, but started it in WOD as well.
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Meanwhile in ICC 25 man, Mðrdred, level 110 Protection Paladin :
/y "Light, grant me one final blessing...Invincible's Reins"
(invincible's soundtrack playing on background)
Light never answered....
02.02.2018 UPDATE : the light still did not answered ...
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After annoying farm, it suddenly dropped!
Been farming since 2015 every single week, but got addon way later, but nobody cares when it drops !
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Animegirl it over? No, my son, people still want your mount.
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Finally, after watching this mount disappear with ninja-quitters in Wrath, and constant weekly disappointments in as many expansions, after my fourth alt through the lockout grind, I see it. I sit there in shock as it had popped up in the loot window. I teared up, cause I now had the one mount I would forever ride. It does exist, and the lockout trick does work. Don't give up.
(My bf is a lucky sonuvab*tch and got it his VERY FIRST TRY on LK25H, after they nerfed it. He can't flaunt it anymore!)
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Hi, at 12/30/17 @ 9:16PM EST Invincible finally dropped. I have been running for this mount for 2 years plus on 8 characters every week. My friends outside of WoW in real life friends know about this sick joke I indulge myself in every week and they roared for me. I even FaceTimed some friends just to show them and they were really happy for me. Just listen to this... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP. YOU WILL GET IT. I PROMISE YOU WILL GET IT. PLEASE KEEP AT IT. PLEASE. I THOUGHT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE. JUST PLEASE DONT GET FRUSTRATED. IT IS TRUE. IT WILL DROP WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT. BUT PLEASE KEEP GOING FOR IT. AND WHEN IT DROPS IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT. GOOD LUCK TO ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! PLEASE DO NOT LOSE HOPE.
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Is it still necessary to have shadowmorne? or it casn be looted by mage or priest who dont have it now?
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There's no such thing as
is preparation and opportunity. As long as you're trying you have a chance to get it.
It's just a random number, don't overthink.
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Drop on my Pala July 21, 2016
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a true dream
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I haven't found much informations about this so I tested it myself :
Strengh of Wrynn
for the Alliance and
Hellscream's Warsong
for the Horde are buffs that you can choose to keep or remove when talking to Wrynn or Garrosh at the start of ICC.
I looted the mount while still having Wrynn's buff, in a reasonable number of tries.
Good luck, and feel free to keep the 30% damage bonus.
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Ok... without a doubt this has been the most painful mount farm of my 10+ years, WoW career. I just won this mount, which I have been farming for several years now.
Here was my experience. It took me a total of
kills before I saw the mount. I farmed this across 20 alts (using the lock out trick on one character - and shared with all the others). The highest kill total on one character was 38. The character that I actually got the mount on had a total of 27 kills. I also had the ICC buff
turned on
for the mount drop.
As the grind slogged on... and on... I started to try anything to help. So, during the kill that I won the mount on, I had seven
Smelly's Luckydo
in my bags, as well as five each of
Lucky Charm
Lucky Rat's Tooth
, and
Old Lucky Coin
. I also had a
Lucky Shirt
in my bags, but was not equipped. Of course, these most likely did not help... but after 350+ kills... I was desperate for anything to help. If any of these items helped, it was most likely the seven
Smelly's Luckydo
. Perhaps having seven of them was lucky, too. ;-)
This grind has pretty much killed the desire to mount farm in the future. 362 kills... O.o
More relief than excitement when it dropped.
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A caído 07/04/2018 después de 1 año y medio de ir semana tras semana por fin cayo
Invincible's Reins
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Just want to share my story with you guys -
I've been farming ICC for the glory of the icecrown raider achievement. You guys are going to hate me.
I killed the LK on two toons this week (first time ever completing it) and it dropped for me. I came here to look how rare it is... and i see people have done this thing over 300 times and got nothing... I feel terrible for you. I just got lucky I guess! Its 7.3.5, and I finished on heroic 25 man. Please don't hate me.
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Going on 500, still never seen the mount drop. I'm glad I don't play the lotto.
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List of mounts obtainable via drop from raids and dungeon.
A updated version of @sickbox list, a special thanks for him/her.
Classic – Level 60
Deathcharger's Reins
Lord Aurius Rivendare
Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Trash
The Burning Crusade – Level 70
Reins of the Raven Lord
Sethekk Halls
(Heroic only)
Swift White Hawkstrider
Magisters' Terrace
Kael'thas Sunstrider
(Heroic only)
Fiery Warhorse's Reins
Attumen the Huntsman
Ashes of Al'ar
The Eye
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Wrath of the Lich King – Level 80
Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake
Utgarde Pinnacle
Skadi the Ruthless
(Heroic only)
Reins of the Bronze Drake
The Culling of Stratholme
Infinite Corruptor
(Heroic only)
Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth
Vault of Archavon
- (All 4 Bosses)
Reins of the Azure Drake
The Eye of Eternity
Reins of the Blue Drake
The Eye of Eternity
Reins of the Black Drake
The Obsidian Sanctum
(3 Drakes - 10)
Reins of the Twilight Drake
The Obsidian Sanctum
(3 Drakes - 25)
Reins of the Onyxian Drake
Onyxia's Lair
Mimiron's Head
(No Watchers - 25)
Invincible's Reins
Icecrown Citadel
The Lich King
(Heroic - 25)
Cataclysm – Level 85
Reins of the Drake of the North Wind
The Vortex Pinnacle
Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake
The Stonecore
Swift Zulian Panther