He lives !
I wish they'd have just let Khadgar stay dead. Anduin using the light is expected.
This cutscene is amazing! Fitting end to the amazing campaign.
Thanks for posting it. It broke ingame and go spoiler after :/
"The lord of ravens will turn the key." -Il'gynoth
I'm normally pretty chill about bugs. It's a big game with lots of moving parts. This scenario is a pile of buggy *!@#.
So what happened with Alleria repelling Turalyon with her voidiness? Why doesnt she similarly affect Anduin?
What a amazing campaign, i seriously can't wait to see what Blizzard is cooking with Midnight expac and beyond.The last few expansions were just a cluster$%^& in comparison.Good to see that they finally seem to have fixed their story writing issues by getting someone that knows what they are doing and builds on charachters and knows/is passionate about WoW.Good ^&*!, didn't expect to enjoy this xpac at all after SL and DF but this is deffo something else glad i gave it a shot.
Disappointed nothing was lost... What was even the point of showing Khadgars hand consumed by void? Even Anduin getting back some of his power was rather anti-climactic .
Mehh, it was definitely cool and all, but I had hoped Khadgar was either dead or corrupted into a future raid boss.
Oh finally the healer stopped being AFK.Good.
YES! This is what we needed.
there's definetly a naaru in beledar
What a load of doodoo. Lore has sucked for 4 xpacs in a row. Bring back Garrosh
Yaay! Dhadgar is all better!He's also a Dreadlord.
Cool mostly except for Xala’tath’s random tantrum.Before she has casually disarmed Alleria or teleported out of her arrows but this time she’s too slow?And the heart which can consume Khadgar’s torrent of magic easily somehow is broken by a little void arrow?
Never have I been so happy to be proven wrong...