even more of a premium to pay to crafters lezgo
time gated resources are the best for the game! /s
Old comment: Proclaimed Concentration doesn’t replenish offline.New edit: I slept for 10-12 hours and did not gain back the 100-120 Concentration that was expected. Maybe I did something wrong or didn’t count? Idunno.
One hundred hours is a pretty long time, but the most I was able to spend in one go was 600 points to get a max profession tool, and I'm sure I didn’t do everything right. It would be nice for a slightly faster system, but Blizz probably doesn’t want to make any major changes so soon with this new system. Either way, concentration is much better than inspiration.
Crafters don't care because they have dozens of alts
This change was necessary. In DF, not being able to submit crafting orders at max rank was unintuitive and confusing for players. You had to request rank 4/5 and trust that the crafter wasn't going to scam you.
100 Hours = 4.16 days, fairly well in line with the 3.5 day rotation that parts of the game are on.
On the other hand, every single craft can be 100% even with max crest and embellish as long as you use R3 mats, have max skill, blue profession equipment, and maxxed knowledge in that tree.Concentration is just a crutch for the items you can’t 100% yet.
The concentration system sucks. More blizzard nonsense to ensure that if you're behind early on, you're even more punished as those who beat you to the punch will not require concentration to craft R5 items with T1 missives and T2 Mats, thereby cornering an already saturated market.The entire crafting system sucks, though, overall, so no surprises here whatsoever.
what a dumb system
I think it should be 48-72 hours.
They designed this system to be purposely awful.
Really wish so many of my Patron orders didn't require me to use it to meet the min quality they set. Be nice if I could be using it to make things for actual players.I realize this is likely to be overcome by filling out the profession trees, but you need to get the points in order to do that. Some of the Patron work orders I've gotten have just been obscene in terms of mats too. Even if I were fully pointed out, I'm not filling a work order using tens of thousands of gold in mats, for a 62g commission and 2 KPs or 10 acuity. So, those points/acuity have been going to waste. My choice...yeah yeah, but the system is designed for us to get the bulk of our acuity and kp's from it. Id expect it to be submitting WOs that use normal mats, and request things a crafter can actually make, at a quality they can make it.