Quick Facts
The Eyes of Skettis
Terokkar Forest
  1. Vessels of Power
  2. Olemba Seeds
  3. Stymying the Arakkoa
  4. Thin the Flock
  5. Unruly Neighbors
  6. The Firewing Liaison
  7. Thinning the Ranks
  8. Fel Orc Plans
  9. Timber Worg Tails
  10. The Elusive Ironjaw
  11. WANTED: Bonelashers Dead!
  12. Torgos!
  13. Speak with Private Weeks
  14. Who Are They?
  15. Kill the Shadow Council!
  16. Olemba Seed Oil
  17. And Now, the Moment of Truth
  18. Arakkoa War Path
  19. Stymying the Arakkoa
  20. An Unwelcome Presence
  21. The Firewing Liaison
  22. What Happens in Terokkar Stays in Terokkar
  23. An Unseen Hand
  24. Vestments of the Wolf Spirit
  25. Patriarch Ironjaw
  26. Welcoming the Wolf Spirit
  27. WANTED: Bonelashers Dead!
  28. Torgos!
  29. Speak with Scout Neftis
  30. Who Are They?
  31. Kill the Shadow Council!
  32. Strange Energy
  33. Clues in the Thicket
  34. It's Watching You!
  35. By Any Means Necessary
  36. Wind Trader Lathrai
  37. A Personal Favor
  38. Investigate Tuurem
  39. What Are These Things?
  40. What Are These Things?
  41. Report to the Allerian Post
  42. Report to Stonebreaker Camp
  43. Attack on Firewing Point
  44. Attack on Firewing Point
  45. The Final Code
  46. The Final Code
  47. Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know
  48. Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know
  49. Speak with Rilak the Redeemed
  50. The Eyes of Skettis
  51. Seek Out Kirrik
  52. Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
  53. Veil Rhaze: Unliving Evil
  54. Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike
  55. Veil Shalas: Signal Fires
  56. Return to Shattrath
  57. The Skettis Offensive
  58. Missing Friends
  59. The Tomb of Lights
  60. Vengeful Souls
  61. Recover the Bones
  62. Helping the Lost Find Their Way
  63. Before Darkness Falls
  64. The Infested Protectors
  65. Cabal Orders
  66. The Shadow Tomb
  67. Taken in the Night
  68. For the Fallen
  69. Terokkarantula
  70. Return to Sha'tari Base Camp
  71. The Dread Relic
  72. Evil Draws Near
  73. Digging Through Bones
  74. Fumping
  75. The Big Bone Worm
  76. An Improper Burial
  77. A Hero Is Needed
  78. The Fallen Exarch

The Eyes of Skettis

Bring the Eye of Reskk and the Eye of Shienor to Rilak the Redeemed in the Lower City section of Shattrath City.
Eye of Veil Reskk (1)
Eye of Veil Shienor (1)


Doom harkens from the cliffs of Skettis.

My people, the arakkoa, face a fate shrouded in unspeakable evil. Too often have we abused dark magic for wrongdoing. Through A'dal I have learned of the Light and of redemption.

Terokk watches his colonies from Skettis through orbs enchanted by the black art. Steal these Eyes from Veil Reskk and Veil Shienor in northern Terokkar. Let me see what Terokk sees. Let me look through the eyes of Skettis.




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Super Healing Potion Super Mana Potion
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10847))

