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Now that this was simplified i guess by the time 7.1.5 ill be either 21/22 so thats nice for alts.
I may be missing it but... what is the cost to purchase these compendiums?
I don't understand why it's so complex. Why can't it be, "buy this one book for 500, get 1 level to a max of 15" ?
So, basically:1.- Get your alt to do ONE AK research. Save it.2.- Sent your alt the highest compendium you can buy with your main.3.- Use the AK research page + compendium. Your alt's AK gets boosted to the level indicated by the compendium.This means that if your main is already AK 21 you can boost a fresh 110 alt to AK 20 by doing just 1 AK research on your alt.Correct?
So if you had 2 AK orders done(Max you can have) but you hadn't picked them up used the I-II volume you could get to 11 or 12?
Man I just don't understand this. Just read all of it like 20 times and I just cannot understand it.
I can confirm on PTR I had a character below level 15 AK and could only buy Volume 1 - after I dinged 15 AK I was able to purchase the Volume 1 & 2 (Combined at same price). It was NOT a separate line item, but just changed tool tip for the single 1000 purchase to reflect 10 AK for ALT.If you try to purchase 1>15 via 500 Order Resources it will not work if you have any of the AK Scrolls. Alert message telling you that.
I think the "consumes research notes" is only there to prevent gaming the system - for example: complete 5 research notes (3 days each because of catch-up mechanism), then use the book to get to 20 and finally use the stockpiled scrolls to reach 25. It consumes all the research notes you have, so you have to do the 20-25 levels in the "traditional" way. That doesn't mean you have to have at least one research notes to use the boost; at least that's how I understand it.
People seem to be really confused about how this all works so maybe saying it like this will help:The new items work like this, they increase your knowledge directly to level 5/10/15/20 when you click them but they have a reagent. The reagent required is "all artifact research notes you own, minimum of one."That is the item for your alt. The other item, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, is a catch up mechanic for people who are just starting and don't even have a main character. It's just straight up spend 500 resources and get a level of knowledge up to 15.
If your alt has just reached level 110 and has an AK level of 0, you can still use an Artifact Knowledge Compendium on your alt directly, without doing the repeatable quest on that alt first (i.e. no need to get one artifact research note before using the compendium).The version of Artifact Knowledge Compendium you can buy depends on the AK level of your character. Since Volume I unlocks at AK level 10 and Volumes I & II unlocks at AK level 15, I would say you can buy Volumes I-III at AK level 20 and Volumes I-IV after reaching AK level 25.
An AK catch-up system is nice, assuming it's tuned aggressively enough to truly bring alts up to speed.However, a big part of a character's overall effectiveness in Legion is tied to their legendaries, many of which are spec-defining.Without some kind of mechanism to expedite their acquisition - outside of the current "spam M+ all day" meta - I'm not all that excited about alts (or even other specs for that matter).
Since people seem a little confused, here's my summary that makes sense to me.There are three ways to advance your Artifact Knowledge (AK):1. Artifact Research
For those of you who have trouble understanding how this whole thing works, here's a simple formula to summarize it: