


Dettagli dell'incantesimo

Durata n/d
Scuola Fisico
Meccanica n/d
Tipo di Dissipare n/d
Categoria GCD n/d
Costo Nessuno
Portata 0 metri (Self)
Tempo di lancio Istantaneo
Recupero n/d
GCD 0 secondi
Effetto #1Apply Aura: Mod Mechanic Duration % (Avere Stordire)
Valore: -30%
[PVP Multiplier: ]1

Incantesimi Interessati:
Devotion Aura Devotion Aura Devotion Aura
Retribution Aura Devotion Aura Devotion Aura
Devotion Aura Devotion Aura Retribution Aura
Retribution Aura Retribution Aura Retribution Aura
Concentration Aura Shadow Resistance Aura Frost Resistance Aura
Fire Resistance Aura Shadow Resistance Aura Shadow Resistance Aura
[Show 16 More]
Frost Resistance Aura Frost Resistance Aura Fire Resistance Aura
Fire Resistance Aura Devotion Aura Retribution Aura
Shadow Resistance Aura Frost Resistance Aura Fire Resistance Aura
Crusader Aura Devotion Aura Devotion Aura
Shadow Resistance Aura Frost Resistance Aura Fire Resistance Aura
Retribution Aura
See more
Effetto #2Apply Aura: Modifies Dispel Resist Chance (28)
Valore: 30
[PVP Multiplier: ]1

Incantesimi Interessati:
Divine Protection Divine Shield Hand of Protection
Hand of Salvation Hand of Freedom Hand of Protection
Hand of Sacrifice Hand of Protection Blessing of Might
Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Might Blessing of Might
Blessing of Might Blessing of Might Blessing of Might
Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Wisdom
[Show 46 More]
Blessing of Wisdom Seal of Righteousness Seal of Justice
Seal of Light Seal of Wisdom Blessing of Kings
Seal of Righteousness Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Might
Righteous Fury Greater Blessing of Might Greater Blessing of Wisdom
Greater Blessing of Kings Greater Blessing of Sanctuary Greater Blessing of Might
Greater Blessing of Wisdom Blessing of Might Greater Blessing of Might
Blessing of Wisdom Greater Blessing of Wisdom Seal of Vengeance
Avenging Wrath Blessing of Might Blessing of Might
Greater Blessing of Might Greater Blessing of Might Blessing of Wisdom
Blessing of Wisdom Greater Blessing of Wisdom Greater Blessing of Wisdom
Sacred Shield Seal of Corruption Divine Plea
Seal of Corruption Blood Corruption Divine Favor
Seal of Command Blessing of Sanctuary Holy Shield
Holy Shield Holy Shield Holy Shield
Divine Illumination Holy Shield Holy Shield
Beacon of Light
See more

Informazioni relative
