I personally would love a better system than spamming Trade Chat to sell my crafts.
I have for a while been brainstorming a "Noticeboard" but for crafters to advertise what they can sell, but I believe it can easily be added to what we already have.
Crafters could easily set their parameters for an item from the crafting table.
- The quality they can craft.
- The commission they are charging
- The materials required
If crafters could also easily see what other crafters are offering, this could help them decide what their order needs to be to compete.
Players looking to find a crafter could then see this info from the current "craft order" station. They could then choose if a crafters offering is suitable, or continue with the regular system of public/personal/guild order.
Some fine details could be that a 'Sell order' is removed once someone orders it, requiring the crafter to replace the order for the next customer. This keeps single players, especially those that go offline, from dominating all orders. A small fee could also to place the 'sell order' to keep players realistic with what they offer. Concentration would also probably naturally limit the quantity of at least max quality orders.
I am sure there is much more I haven't thought about.
As usual, I have created a video showcasing this in more detail.
Public orders should require all materials to be covered.
Public orders should allow recrafting.
When creating a work order you should be able to just buy the amount of materials required and place them in the order.
Quality requirements should still be only for private orders.
This way you actually make the public order system lively from the people who aren't interested in deep diving in the system, while simultaneously still locking good and guaranteed crafting results (especially early on) in the Blizzard fantasy of "Finding the artisan" that they are so hellbent on.
There. I solved 66.6% of the problems that the work order system has. The rest requires making it work cross faction and region wide etc. so lets leave that for the next time.
This is all just work arounds for the very simple and obvious solution of allowing crafters to just sell gear on the AH. No where near a even significant minority of crafters consistently make gold crafting gear, there legit might be like 1 or 2 guys per server who have some elaborate 2 account weak aura automated spamming system or whatever that can reguarly make crafts, but aside from that everyone else maybe just gets a craft in every couple weeks or so if they just so happen to see someone requesting a sale in trade chat.
This is a failed system that needs to be removed. Just allow players to sell the base item at a given rank and then let customers put their embellishments onto them.