Waiting for Method or Echo to finish a questline
Correction - this isn't a battle pet, this is a non-combat pet.It cannot be used in battle :).
That's nice and all, but why include a screenshot of 3 "pets", which one is it? I'm unfamiliar with locks...
Is there a way to check which ones I've already gathered? I just finished my lap, and I didn't receive anything. Not looking forward to flying that lap again.
That’s cute
Once again, first of all thanks to all the old gods!And then secondly, a HUGE thanks to our lords saviors the almighty RWF Raiders as we will NOT be able to get this Pet if it wasn't for them! 🙏🙏
Not a fan of a lot of the other design choices with this legendary, but the pet part is really cool.
easier way to check. /run for i=76178,76193 do print(i,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))endCredit to Xu-fu's.
Maps, sweet maps. Appreciated.