ooo this mount lookin gross I must say lol
All the achievements are relatively easy, the most boring part is the stories, I have two that haven't appeared yet
This should have been a mythic (or even heroic) dungeon mount. Delves aren't hitting the same.
My wife and I are loving the delves, but this is a ridiculously easy meta. The biggest challenge is the RNG of needing the right storyline to show up in your delve.I expect next season's to be much more challenging. And I'd much prefer more customization options for the dirigible than a random beetle mount.
Sporbits still respawn after you kill them. approx. 5 secs after
Finally got my last 3 stories on Tuesday. I love my little bug.
Those webs will summon nerubians, don’t stand in them!
Extremely easy Glory achieve. I did all the story and treasure ones before season one released and got the mount on the release day. Looking like it will only be available for a limited time though due to the Nemesis achievement being unobtainable after season 1.