40 minutes /sadge/
way to long
It's going to take 40 minutes just to press W through Uldaman.
38. 40 mins jesus christ
Great! Tired of people that only want wide-open non-linear short dungeons. I enjoy long dungeons with opportunities to show how great of a leader I can be.
Some of these timers feel like they're gonna be really low pending tuning changes to health pools and other things.
Seems Uldaman and HoI gonna be hated a lot cause of the time spent there....
I'm betting $50 these are going to be adjusted either before they release (I pray to god) or some weeks after
the horror is comiing
40 minute timer for Uldaman, Christ almighty.
Feel like bracken may need a bit more time due to the difficulty the dungeon will more than likely present, otherwise all the other ones seem fairish given how big and long they are.
Most dungeons should be 30 minutes on average, give or take 3 minutes. Sure, throw in one 40-minute dungeon and one 25 minute dungeon for "long and short" representation. A 40-minute dungeon means almost an hour between forming the group, traveling there, and doing the dungeon.
you guys really need to remove that dung and put somthing new that 1 not work as a m+ 5 boss imagine tyranical 5 min per boss what about rest? puting all hard dungeons for this patch do you want to destroy game or make it better idont understand anymore
25-35 is what i'd prefer. i don't enjoy pugging a 40min run just for it to be 38min wasted for X reason,
Blizz, in general, your dungeons are way too long. No one wants to spend more than 30 minutes in a dungeon.
I just love 40min M+ runs...
Nel 35min. 4 bosses and you have that cross dungeon run. Seems tight. When farming Heroics/M0's it always felt like one of the longer ones because of the travel time. TJS is 35 for 4 bosses and a cross dungeon run but it also has that speed boost mechanic. Wonder if we will get that in NL.
Meanwhile Nokhud Offensive has a 40min timer and Halls of Valor has a 38min timer, people really do be complaining about anything and everything holy