Arator is the true Child of Light and Shadow from the Naaru prophecy, calling it now.
Since blizzard now going baxckwards of animated short part 3 is visual stop motion comic story right? wonder why they gone so cheap on these intro hype stuff now or Microsoft dont give them enough time for full animated short series and we got only 1 part?
"Sylvanas embraced her role in aiding the Jailer, eschewing her past and her family in the name of what she saw as the greater good "LOL
We better see this in a new playable class. Can't really tell us that "oh you can play Shadow Priest" for that one.
You can tell when someone just got into Warcraft because they find it shocking there are female characters. As if the RTS didn't have a whole faction of matriarchal elves before WoW was even a thing. This isn't new. You're new.
The Void is Alleria's OBSESSION. I have never understood what she likes so much about it. And neither does Turalyon or Arator. She pushed away her son, her family, and her relationships all for the Void. Her constant justification is that 'The Void can be used as a weapon if you master it.' But WHY? What can the Void do that cannot be accomplished by light or arcane?I think that Alleria confuses self-sacrifice with self-interest in this matter.
This post is well written in my opinion, thanks for writing it.
Interesting how the skybox is all void themed if you glitch your way through the invisible wall from the Plaguelands and enter the now named zone of Quel'thalas just north of it.
So this is why she transfered her armor set?
I've said this for some time, Xal'atath and Alleria are like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Sure the old Xal'atath was some blood elf corpse but i dont think thats the case anymore. she did mention she was always there, watching Alleria and her companions short comings. I also think Wrathion is a sleeper agent for the void, and him and Anduin will have a very poetic final battle against each other.