People want the most value out of their purchases, preferably without buyers regret. If more cosmetics is worth $ to you, you're a fan of bonus(purchased) traders tender. If you are hard-core anti pay to win and you think traders tender shop cosmetic ownership is winning but only if you earn it during gameplay, than I can see why buying traders tender sours the whole collectors experience. I can appreciate cosmetic items I think are cool independently of how it is obtained.
seems reasonable like a way to help a new player with some tendies
Do people not realize that not "selling" tender is better for Blizzard? I am not saying Blizz is dumb, but when ppl are like "so much for not selling tender". Blizz would muuuuuuch rather ppl feel FOMO, pay $15 for a sub, and pick the trading post items they can based on their earned tender. That is the best case scenario for them. Paying for tender, if it ever comes in its fullest, will obviously be delayed: not because blizz is kind or respects our time or bc they don't wanna do battle pass blah blah, but but they want ppl to SUB. The trading post isn't just to generate a quick buck, it's goal is to increase subscription numbers, meaning they clearly benefit more from you subbing for $15 a month than paying $15 for X amount of tender. Yes, it would suck if it becomes a full cash commodity, but Blizz wants the Trading post to increase sub numbers as opposed to milk the current subbers for $.
It’s not free if you have to buy the expansion. They should use bonus then.
I still think if they wanna encourage long-term subbing they should implement a system where the more consecutive months you're subscribed the higher amounts of tender you get are.
Still waiting for the blizzcon virtual tickets to go on sale ….
It costs me nothing beyond what I was already going to spend and does no harm to anyone - what's not to like here?
What a joke...
Its one thing to attach this to buying the next expansion and getting the tenders as a free bonus.It's, however, another matter if the price of said expansion is increased overall because of these tenders. We'll have to wait and see.
Okay so... at which point will WoW transition to free to play? I can't believe how much "microtransactions" they shoved in a subscription game.
I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, actually not that shocked.
Pretty sure that at some point WoW will be only whales and the few fools that spend their money on the game.
they already upped the price from 40 to 50 dollar (base edition) with DF, lets see if this is just another reason for them to go even further. I have a bad feeling about this.
Indeed, they've been increasing prices lately for expansions, look even at wotlk classic, 80 euro for the epic edition? Wotlk has been ages ago, so can't remember, although it was the expansion where I started, but I wouldn't be surprised it the cost was around half back then.
Looks like 10.3 content officially scrapped. Hopefully they can fix up the specs with what is left of Dragonflight and make 11.0 more viable.