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[Hazzard Disposal]
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[Hazzard Disposal]

[Use Kitty's Eartag to get Winna Hazzard's attention, and then slay her.]
[Winna Hazzard] matado (1)
Objeto provisto:
Etiqueta de oreja de Minino (1)


[Winna's hooked tight into the source of the slime itself, at the very back of Bloodvenom Post to the west. She makes sure it keeps flowing, and it keeps her safe! But if you can get her attention...

Take the eartag and show it to Winna. If there's even a little, tiny bit of her left, maybe it'll get through. Maybe her regret for her poor lost kitty will come to the surface and she'll feel sorry just one more time, and come out of the slime!

And then maybe you can kill her and stop the slime. Yay!]


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