Quick Facts

Hyphae Patrol: Heartwood Grove

Ride the fae rings and slay 30 Possessed Desecrators in Heartwood Grove.
Speak to Marasmius (1)
Possessed Desecrator slain (30)


Those masked fiends have taken over Heartwood Grove, and I mean to stop their plans.

Heartwood Grove was so beautiful before. And now, it's... No matter. We're going to fix this, you and me. Right now.

Come, join me in battle. We'll give those monsters a thrashing that will make their masters think twice before desecrating that sacred place again!




You will receive:
Sprigthistle Loop Valeshroud Torque
Duskwarder Knife Duskwarder Warglaive
Duskwarder Censer Duskwarder Maul
Duskwarder Warclub Duskwarder Branch
Duskwarder Shortbow Duskwarder Shield
Runetender Mitts Faemoss Gloves
Show 28 More
Gormhusk Strikers Runetender Shoulderguards
Sapsteel Clasp Faemoss Waistband
Gormhusk Waistwrap Runetender Cinch
Evernight Drape Wakener's Frond
Queensguard's Vigil Withergrove Shardling
Ardendew Pearl Starlight Catcher
Master Flame Celestial Acorn
Reversal of Fortune Brutal Projectiles
Strength of the Pack Born Anew
Front of the Pack Conflux of Elements
Well-Honed Instincts Flash of Clarity
Astral Sapwood Luminous Sylberry
Duskfall Tuber Hibernal Sproutling
Ambuscade Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(62611))

