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Rescue Deirom!

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Venture into Veil Shalas, kill Luanga, and free Deirom. Report to Lady Dena Kennedy at the Allerian Stronghold when you have completed your mission.
Luanga, o Aprisionador morto (1)
Free Deirom (1)


Jogadores sugeridos: 2 (1)


Make your way to Veil Shalas with all haste, <name>! Time is of the essence here. If the arakkoa discover what you've done to their defenses, they may attempt to move Deirom, or even kill him.

If you can, bring a friend or two with you. It's likely to be rough there. The bird-men have gone to great lengths to secure their prisoner and they're not likely to give him up easily. After you've found Deirom and dealt with his captor, return to the Allerian Stronghold and notify Thander.


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Brafoneiras Timbradas da Águia Toque do Sem-vergonha
Sandálias do Oráculo Shalassi Palas da Sentinela Shalassi
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9980))

