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Primal Magic

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Use Kokorek's Talisman near the totems that guard the path to Veil Shalas, then speak with Lookout Nodak.
Use Kokorek's Talisman (1)
Item fornecido:
Talismã de Kokorik (1)


I've stored the spell inside this talisman. Unleash it while standing near the totems that guard the approach to Veil Shalas. It should be sufficient to unravel the wards.

<You mention that the figure in the talisman doesn't especially resemble an arakkoa.>

My people weren't always as they appear now. We were once magnificent creatures, but we... we made many ill-advised choices and failed in our sacred task. It cost us our beauty, our power, and very nearly our lives. Do not repeat our mistakes, <name>.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9976))

