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The Fate of the Clefthoof

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Kill 15 Bristlehide Clefthoof and return to Amaan the Wise at the Temple of Telhamat.
Fenoceronte Cerdacouro morto (15)


Greetings, <class>.

I'm certain your travels in Outland have shown you something of the corruption in this world. It is so pervasive that it has transformed the very creatures who dwell here - the ones that survived, that is.

The clefthoof to the south and west were once docile grazers, but the corruption has created an unquenchable rage in them. They only find release from their torment in death, though it grieves us to spill their blood. Will you help me end the suffering of the bristlehide clefthoof?


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9382))

