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When Helboars Fly

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Watch Commander Krunk in Thrallmar wants you to bring him 10 Plump Helboar Carcasses from Starving Helboars.
Carcaça de Javiltusco Roliço (10)


Have you ever seen a helboar fly? They don't even need wings!

<Watch Commander Krunk laughs.>

The fight against the Legion camps to the north has depleted our supplies, including catapult ammunition. This is the perfect opportunity to try something new.

Instead of using boulders, I want to try igniting the corpses of the starving helboars I've seen around the eastern ruins and use them to bombard the Legion's camps.

Are you going to volunteer, or do I have to order you?


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9346))

