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The Alchemist's Apprentice

Alchemist Finklestein at Heb'valok wants you to assist him in the creation of a truth serum.

When you are ready to begin, you are to speak to him and follow his instructions.
Soro da Verdade criado (1)


Ahh, you must be the promised patrol. Your timing couldn't be better. I have urgent need of an extra pair of hands.

We have a Drakkari prisoner who's been sent here to undergo questioning. Before the interrogation begins, I require assistance in the creation of a truth serum.

Creating a truth serum is tricky business, demanding keen instincts, perfect timing, and improvisation at every step.

Let me know when you're ready, <race>. And remember, timing is everything!


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12602))

