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Alliance vs Horde: Faction Strengths and Weaknesses in Season of Discovery
We're taking a look at faction strengths and weaknesses - particularly in terms of mana as a resource - in Season of Discovery.
Analyzing Gnomeregan Boss Armor and Resistances - Season of Discovery
Melee players in Season of Discovery have noticed that some bosses in Gnomeregan have more armor values than Molten Core 40-player raid bosses! Simonize gets to the bottom of it in today's article.
Rogue Hotfixes - Saber Slash and Deadly Poison Stacking Fixed on Season of Discovery
Today there was a good change to how Rogues' Deadly Brew, Saber Slash, and Envenom runes work while in groups with other rogues in Classic World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.
Warcraft Logs Analysis of DPS Looking Back at Phase 3 - WotLK Classic
As Trial of the Crusader and Phase 3 come to an end, we can look back the DPS performance of different classes in the raid. The top performers were definitely Unholy Death Knights, Affliction Warlocks, and Fire Mages!
Analyzing Warcraft Logs Phase 2 - WotLK Classic
With Trial of the Crusader coming June 22nd, we can look back at class performance in the second phase of raiding in Wrath of the Lich King Classic utilizing data from Warcraft Logs.
Phase 1 WotLK Classic Warcraft Logs Analysis
With Ulduar releasing on January 19th at 3 PM PST, we can look back at class performance in the first phase of raiding in Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Naxxramas, Sartharion, and Malygos.
Parsing Tricks of the Trade and Unholy Frenzy on Warcraft Logs in Wrath Classic
In this article we'll talk about a few different ways the ranking website Warcraft Logs could handle the new external buffs in Wrath of the Lich King with a focus on one in particular, the Rogue's Tricks of the Trade.
Warcraft Logs Analysis Tier 6 Burning Crusade Classic - End of Phase Wrap-Up
Simonize dives into the Warcraft Logs from Phase 3.5 and 4, analyzing Black Temple and Mount Hyjal boss parses for each class and specialization.
Phase 2 Warcraft Logs Analysis Burning Crusade Classic - Arcane Mages Still on Top
Today we've got a wrap-up of the tier 5 raiding DPS rankings. For the absolute highest parses and most damage done, there is less diversity than there was during tier 4. Arcane Mages are hogging over half of the top 200 spots across both Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern.
Warglaive Loot Priority in Burning Crusade Classic
Simonize breaks down the loot priority for the Warglaives of Azzinoth, one of the most sought after items in World of Warcraft. This breakdown focuses on the pros and cons for both Warriors and Rogues receiving these items.
Guaranteed Battle Squawk Trigger in Burning Crusade Classic
Players have discovered a way to get guaranteed Battle Squawk Trigger from Gnomish Battle Chicken on Burning Crusade Classic. In this article, we break down how this is possible and what conditions need to be bet to control the trigger.
Phase 1 Warcraft Logs Analysis for Burning Crusade Classic - Arcane Mage Takes Top Damage
Phase 1 of Burning Crusade Classic has come to an end and raids have completed numerous clears of Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair. Today, we will breakdown the DPS Rankings from Warcraft Logs for Tier 4 of Burning Crusade Classic.
Analysis of Tier 4 Burning Crusade DPS Rankings - Week 2
Today we will look at the balance - or imbalance - between DPS classes in Magtheridon's Lair, Gruul's Lair, and Karazhan in the first two weeks of Burning Crusade.
Progress Sets #1 World Record Speedrun Time in Naxxramas in Classic World of Warcraft
The Naxxramas raid speed clear world record in Blizzard's World of Warcraft Classic has just been broken. The guild Progress has put up a clear time of only 45 minutes and 18 seconds!