간단 정보

[A Bird's-Eye View]

이 퀘스트는 더 이상 게임 내에서 받을 수 없습니다.
[Bring the Eye of Veil Skith, the Eye of Veil Shienor, and the Eye of Veil Reskk to Andarl at the Allerian Stronghold.]
장막의 레스크 눈 (1)
장막의 쉬에노르 눈 (1)
장막의 스키스 눈 (1)


[With no further information to go on, we're in a difficult situation. I'm not going to give up on finding and rescuing Deirom. His abduction isn't an accident, <name>.

The arakkoa are up to something, but what is it they're planning?

Andarl, over in the mage tower, knows something of their peculiar magic. With the right tools, he can scare up some new information for us. He'll need the "eye" crystals from each of the arakkoa towns north of the Bone Wastes - Veil Skith, Veil Reskk, and Veil Shienor.]


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이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9949))

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