간단 정보

[Fortifying the Felhunter]

[Gather 6 Warp Hound Blood and bring them to Angela "The Claw" Kestrel in Thrallmar.]
황천의 사냥개 피 (6)


[Greetings, <class>. Say hello to Jir'see here, too. Don't worry, he won't bite unless I tell him to.

<Angela makes a cooing sound at the felhunter.>

He's so tiny in comparison to the warp hounds that live in Outland. But we're going to fix that right up, yes we are, aren't we, Jir'see?

I think I've figured out a way to do it. I'll need plenty of blood from the warp hounds and that's where you come in. While you're hunting them in the southeast, I'll get ready for the experi... err, treatment.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(9379))

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