간단 정보

[Rescue at Sea]

[Girana the Blooded at the Argent Tournament Grounds would like you to kill 8 Kvaldir Berserkers and 3 Kvaldir Harpooners aboard The Firehawk.]
[Kvaldir Berserker] 처치 (8)
[Kvaldir Harpooner] 처치 (3)


[The Kvaldir have set up camp at Hrothgar's Landing, the small island to the North. We sent Captain Aerthas Firehawk to the area, but they ran into a Kvaldir Raiding party heading to the Tournament Grounds! The Firehawk is now under attack by the raiders and is vastly outnumbered. Get out there and show those Kvaldir why attacking the Sunreavers is a poor plan indeed.

The Firehawk is between Hrothgar's Landing to the north and the Tournament Grounds, on the western side of The Sea Reaver's Run.]


다음과 같은 것들을 받습니다:
화폐 #241


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(14136))

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