간단 정보

[Threat From Above]

[Eadric the Pure at the Argent Tournament wants you to defeat Chillmaw and 3 Cultist Bombardiers.]
[Chillmaw] 처치 (1)
[Cultist Bombardier] 처치 (3)


추천 플레이어 수: 3 (1)


[Highlord Tirion Fordring has doubled the guard since your exposure of the Cult of the Damned's infiltrator. He doesn't believe that they will stop just because their Black Knight has been defeated.

Our skytalon scouts have reported sighting a frost wyrm named Chillmaw leading a cult raiding party. If we don't intercept them, the tournament will come under attack. The scouts reporting seeing Chillmaw to the southwest, flying over the area between the Ironwall Rampart and Aldur'thar.]



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노스렌드 탐험 보급품 화폐 #241


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13682))

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