간단 정보

[Hellfire Fortifications]

[Capture the Overlook, the Stadium and Broken Hill, then return to Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell in Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.]
[Capture The Overlook] (1)
[Capture the Stadium] (1)
[Capture Broken Hill] (1)


[The Hellfire Citadel wages constant battles with our forces. We are holding our own so far, but we can't yet launch a real offensive against them. To do that, we need forward staging areas.

Our scouts identified three fortifications near Hellfire Citadel. We want you to help secure these forts. Capture each fort, and then report back to me.

May fortune shine upon you in the conflicts ahead, <name>, for you will no doubt clash with Horde forces eager to gain these same fortifications.]


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