간단 정보

[Battle at Valhalas: The Return of Sigrid Iceborn]

[Geirrvif at Valhalas has challenged you to defeat Sigrid Iceborn.

Should you succeed, speak with Gjonner the Merciless overlooking the southern lip of Valhalas.]


[Sigrid Iceborn Defeated] (1)


추천 플레이어 수: 5 (1)


[An old foe of yours has returned: Sigrid Iceborn. Perhaps you remember besting her in a duel upon the Savage Ledge?

No matter, she certainly remembers you. She's insisting upon a chance to prove herself once more.

Personally, I think it's more a chance for revenge, but that too can be useful in this place.

I leave it up to you, <name>. Will you face Sigrid Iceborn once more?]



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