간단 정보

[Fresh Remounts]

[Hansel Bauer at Venomspite has asked you to steal 3 Onslaught Warhorses and deliver them to him, handing over the reins when you do so.]
[Scarlet Onslaught Warhorse reins handed over] (3)


[Hello. I am Hansel. Pleased to meet you, <sir/ma'am>.

The high executor came to me and said, 'Hansel, I want you to get us new mounts.'

Where does he think dreadsteeds come from? The ground?

<whispering> Actually, they do if you can find a horse graveyard.

But we don't have one of those, so what we need you to do is go south to New Hearthglen, kill the knights, take their riding crops, and steal their warhorses.

Ride the horse back to me here and hand over the reins, if you would.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(12214))

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