간단 정보

[Assault on Mageddon]

이 퀘스트는 더 이상 게임 내에서 받을 수 없습니다.
[Kill Nightlord Malphas at Forge Base: Mageddon, and report to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold.]
밤의 군주 말파스 처치 (1)


[With the skills of the mo'arg engineers and an endless supply of their gan'arg minions, they'll begin churning out fel reavers before we can get word to Nethergarde.

We have no choice but to move against them as soon as possible. We cannot strip Honor Hold's defenses to support you in this offensive, for to do so would be suicide. The fel orcs and the Horde will pounce on us at the first sign of weakness.

Honor Hold has stood for 20 years, and we don't intend to lose it now.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10084))

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