
[Ravager Roundup]

Questa missione non è più disponibile nel gioco.
[Slay 10 Captive Ravager Hatchlings and retrieve 12 Ravager Eggs for Mahuram Stouthoof in Thrallmar.]
Captive Ravager Hatchling ucciso (10)
Ravager Egg (12)


[Outland is rife with fascinating creatures. Fascinating -- and extremely dangerous.

The area is rich with predators, which seems strange for such a barren land, but a closer look reveals something of a hierarchy.

The rock flayers seem to have domesticated another predator, the ravager, and breed them as hunting companions and guard animals. I need to know more about how they're training these ravagers. We must shut down and examine their breeding site to the southwest, near the Terokkar Forest.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Aerodynamic Scaled Vest Dirigible Crash Helmet
Flintlocke's Piloting Pants
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