
The Earthen Oath

Thorim, at the Terrace of the Makers, wants you to use the Horn of the Peaks and call on the Earthen to defeat 20 Iron Dwarves and 7 Iron Sentinels.
Iron Sentinel slain (7)
Iron Dwarf Assailant slain (20)
Articolo Fornito:
Horn of the Peaks (1)


For years I neglected my duties, giving into defeat and self-pity.

Not the brave earthen, however. Their oath to protect these grounds with their lives has gone unbroken.

Even now, they fight the corruption of iron with selflessness, waiting for the moment in which the tides turn.

That moment has arrived. We must rally what remains of the earthen defenders and lead them into a glorious victory. Sound the Horn of the Peaks to call them to your side and take back the Terrace of the Makers.




Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Terrace Gazer's Gloves Bracer of Tarbash
Shoulders of Earthen Might Thorim's Grasp
Riceverai anche:
Terrace Gazer's Gloves Bracer of Tarbash
Thorim's Grasp Shoulders of Earthen Might


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