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[Home Of The Bear-Men]

[Take your orphan, Kekek, to visit Grizzlemaw. Make sure to call for him if he is not present when you enter the trunk of the great tree.]


[Kekek taken to visit Grizzlemaw] (1)


[High Shaman Rakjak always tell stories of mighty warriors, even ones far away. Sometimes he tell stories about giant bear-men fighting great battle for tree-city.

Maybe you take Kekek there, see tree, see battle! High Shaman Rakjak tell Kekek that giant tree-city Grizzlemaw stand in the middle of Grizzly Hills.

Kekek never see a city before meeting orphan lady, but this city have no warriors, only men in purple dresses. Kekek want to see real warriors fight for real city.]




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