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[Bones and Arrows]

[Lieutenant Vieron Blazefeather in Wintergrasp wants you to retrieve 10 Quivers of Dragonbone Arrows from Alliance players at the Forest of Shadows.]
Carcaj de flechas de hueso de dragón (10)


[Why would they set me to the task of arming our archers? I was a poet, not a ranger! Well, no use complaining. <nombre>, I am in need of dragon bone for our arrowheads.

Travel to the Forest of Shadows on the western side of Wintergrasp. Ever since the last skirmish, the Alliance have been scavenging dragon bones in the area. Slay them and take the bones.

If that fails, you might be lucky and get one from the spirits in the area. I hear they love to impale their living victims on the bones as they die.]


Fragmento de vigilante de piedra


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13199))

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