WoD Beta: Level 3 Garrison Profession Buildings, New Loading Screens, Mounts, 6.0.2 PTR Soon

Criado 09/9/2014 em 13:35 por

Warlords Loading Screens

While not added in the most recent build, more users have been messaging us about new loading screens and finding the artwork cool, so we figured we'd post them for everyone! Click to enlarge.

New Warlords Mounts

Wowhead users have been very busy farming up mounts in the Warlords beta, here are some of the cool ones they've recently uploaded!

From uselessx, Grande Cinzatusco from Gorok, o Cutelo, Campinante Mosqueado from Luk'hok:

From Biolansanity, Boi Casco Sangrento from Nakk, o Trovoador:

From Voxxel, Costagume Domesticado from Sociedade de Preservação de Bondebico:

From Jerman, Lobo do Gelo Veloz from Orcs Lobo do Gelo:

From jorgeads, Carpete Rastejante from Tailoring:

Level 3 Garrison Profession Buildings

For our complete set of Garrison resources and guides; from basics to buildings, followers to missions, and much more, check out our Garrison Hub!

Level 3 Garrison Profession blueprints can be unlocked when Cumprindo mais ordens is completed. We've completed a ton of work orders on the beta for our profession guides, so we already had all the blueprints unlocked.

With the recent announcement that Level 3 Garrison blueprints are account-wide, we were able to preview the Level 3 buildings on multiple characters on different factions.

The Level 3 Profession buildings currently offer an increased amount of daily work orders and players without that profession can access an NPC that will craft higher-level recipes for them.

Also keep in mind that many buildings have cool perks at Level 2 if you assign the right follower to them--it's covered in our Guide to Small Garrison Buildings.

Laboratório de Alquimia Nível 3:

Ala de Engenharia Nível 3:

Butique de Gemas Nível 3:

Gabinete do Encantador Nível 3:

O Curtume Nível 3:

Ala do Escriba Nível 3:

Ateliê de Costura Nível 3: