would love to see what's in the Wrath deluxe package!
would be cool if magic rooster or spectral tiger is in the wotlk one ;)
î hope they bring the dark portal hearthstone toy to the shop. 9i dont really care about the other stuff but that one is cool.
Ahh they really want that FOMO money.
I thought it was going to be August 39th. I guess somebody at Blizzard decided to proofread and fix the announcement after publishing. I hope they don't start fixing Dragonflight after they release it too.
You are not prepared... for the FOMO!
Lol stay classy WoWhead comments, I knew yall was coming with the FOMO, but let's be honest if ya was gonna get it ya would've by now so let's not pretend it's that big of a deal.
I don't mind as I bought the deluxe edition for BC Classic when it was announced and I am excited to see what the Wrath Classic Deluxe edition is going to offer.
FOMO money at its best!
On one hand, it's completely pointless to get rid of digital stuff like this because there's really no need and it's just a way for them to get people to buy it if they haven't already. It's like that stupid See You Later Bundle, although I can sort of agree that the bat and hippogryph being removed was a concern.On the other, it's definitely good to keep the mounts purchasable on the shop. That's how the shop should be used, for the promo stuff from current and past collector's.deluxe editions, not for entirely new toys/mounts/petsAs for the toys, I don't think having them be on the shop is the best idea. I'm sure TCG people would complain about rarity being lost, to which I suggest that the stuff just gets added into the game and is somewhere between rare to super-rare to obtain. We already have the turtle and some other on the BMAH, so why not new places in game too?Oh, and I also hope the pricing for the no doubt forthcoming Northrend Pass or whatever the flux it's called isn't so predatory as the TBC pass.
Personally I'd love to see the retail version of the mount make an appearance as a singular item as I don't have much interest in playing Classic and it would've been a waste of money to do so for the 1 thing I'd actually make use of. It will take a ridiculously cool mount reward for me to consider buying an entire special bundle at launch and a mount that can't even fly isn't that enticing for me. Do we even know if WOTLK is going to have a special collector's bundle? People got so toxic over the this bundle that Blizz had to remove the spit emote from all versions of the game because of all the harassment the purchasers of said bundle had been dealing with for ruining the "cLaSsIc ExPeRiEncE."
It appears to be 50% off anyway.
it's funny cause the Dark Portal isn't even worth having since it sitll has an hour cooldown
What I'd like to know is how does this BC Collector's edition work with Wrath classic coming out? Is the the boosted character going to be transferrable to Wrath Classic and what are these Fresh Start Realms before Wrath starts? Where are the toys useable, classic BC or Retail? I started WoW in Vanilla and other than seeing how the lands were before they were upended by Deathwing in Cata I didn't really care about Classic. WoLK is a different story, it and Pandaria are my favorite xpacs.