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The Friendly Foreling

Blizzard пометили это задание как устаревшее — его нельзя получить или выполнить.
Help the friendly foreling gather some things before meeting with the chief.
Вкусные выползки (1)
Череп гигантской белки (1)
Пища для элекка (1)
Ожерелье из зубов Жнеца (1)


You saved us! You my best friend.

<The forling gives you a big hug.>

You so nice best friend. You smell so good. The other friends eat your friends. So sad. They are so not good friends.

I know where more friends are! You need friends? My friends take my things. I need things back before I can be chief. Things make me strong.

<The foreling looks at you longingly. Then it sniffs you>

Follow me best friend, we find all the friends, and all the things.


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