Quick Facts

Shades of Scarlet

Search for leads amongst the shades at the Scarlet Monastery.
Search for leads along the path (1)
Fearful Crusader confronted (1)
Shade of Deception slain (1)
Search for leads along the path (1)
Dathrohan confronted (1)
Dathrohan Fades Away [Hidden] (1)
Search for leads along the path (1)
Suzannah confronted (1)


I need your help, <name>. I thought I had achieved some semblance of peace--although my sins might not be forgiven, I could at least reunite with the spirits of my beloved family. Yet... my wife's spirit is missing. It is as though she never existed. Hallow's End draws the shades that haunt the Monastery out from the shadows. Trapped in the past, they walk the grounds repeating their nightmares. With any luck, one of them might give us answers as to what happened to her.



You will receive:
Tricky Treat Flightstones


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(76072))

