Quick Facts

Observational Records

Collect 5 Observational Records from the Sanctuary of Guidance in Korthia.
Observational Record (5)


Greetings, Maw Walker, a moment of your time? As you no doubt know, my cartel has quietly spread observational devices all across Korthia. But that data is no good to us if it is not retrieved. Which is where you come in. The Sanctuary of Guidance records should be ready to collect. You won't see the devices themselves, but the data will appear to you as a bright orb. Bring those data to me, and I will reward you handsomely.




You will receive:
Cartel Exchange Vessel Korthian Caretaker's Robes
Korthian Caretaker's Handwraps Korthian Caretaker's Crest
Korthian Caretaker's Leggings Korthian Caretaker's Cinch
Korthian Caretaker's Bindings Shardhide Leather Gloves
Shardhide Leather Hood Shardhide Leather Breeches
Shardhide Leather Belt Shardhide Leather Bracers
Show 70 More
Razorwing Scale Chainmail Razorwing Scale Striders
Razorwing Scale Grips Razorwing Scale Coif
Razorwing Scale Greaves Razorwing Scale Shoulderguards
Razorwing Scale Cincture Razorwing Scale Bracers
Vault Guardian's Helm Vault Guardian's Breastplate
Vault Guardian's Gauntlets Vault Guardian's Legguards
Vault Guardian's Pauldrons Vault Guardian's Girdle
Vault Guardian's Vambraces Shardhide Leather Vest
Shardhide Leather Shoulderguards Korthian Caretaker's Shoulderpads
Korthian Protector's Greataxe Attendant's Loop
Lost Wayfarer's Band Korthian Pathfinder's Spire
Korthian Caretaker's Rod Korthian Twinblade
Soul-Seeker's Ring Vault Guardian's Drape
Korthian Scholar's Signet Vault Guardian's Cleaver
Korthite Crystal Harmonic Crowd Breaker
Tome of Insight Ancient Anima Vessel
Scholarly Attendant's Bangle Vault Emberstone
Korthian Caretaker's Vestments Korthian Caretaker's Sandals
Korthian Caretaker's Mitts Korthian Caretaker's Crown
Korthian Caretaker's Pantaloons Korthian Caretaker's Sash
Korthian Caretaker's Wraps Shardhide Leather Treads
Shardhide Leather Handlers Shardhide Leather Cowl
Shardhide Leather Trousers Shardhide Leather Strap
Razorwing Scale Harness Razorwing Scale Footguards
Razorwing Scale Fists Razorwing Scale Hood
Razorwing Scale Pants Razorwing Scale Chain
Razorwing Scale Wristguards Vault Guardian's Visor
Vault Guardian's Chestpiece Vault Guardian's Stompers
Vault Guardian's Handguards Vault Guardian's Legplates
Vault Guardian's Buckle Shardhide Leather Jerkin
Korthian Keeper's Buckler Korthian Anima Vessel
Vault Patroller's Mace Vault Patroller's Staff
Vault Guardian's Warglaive Vault Attendant's Cape
Vault Patroller's Slicer Fine Razorwing Quill
Condensed Anima Sphere Adaptive Armor Fragment


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63959))

