Quick Facts

Azaruux, the Realm Ender

Absorb anima to activate the Anima Confluxes to subdue Azaruux, then capture its memory.
Path of Ascension entered (1)
Anima reclaimed (1)


Kill Credit: Anima Reclaimed slain  (20) (1)
Anima Conflux connected (4)
Anima Conflux connected (1)
Anima Conflux connected (1)
Anima Conflux connected (1)
Anima Conflux connected (1)
Memory captured (1)
Provided item:
Soul Mirror (1)


You must act at once! A devourer of incredible strength has opened a rift in the coliseum and even now threatens to consume it! What few fighters were present at the time struggle to keep the creature at bay. If this horror is not stopped, it will continue into the rest of the spires. You must take what anima you can in the area and subdue it. Once the threat has been negated, take this spare mirror and capture its memory so we may learn more of its kind for future encounters.




You will learn:
Trial: Azaruux
You will also receive:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(61373))

