Quick Facts
Necro Overlord Mezhen
Howling Fjord
  1. War is Hell
  2. Reports from the Field
  3. The Windrunner Fleet
  4. Ambushed!
  5. Guide Our Sights
  6. Landing the Killing Blow
  7. Report to Anselm
  8. Let Them Eat Crow
  9. Sniff Out the Enemy
  10. The Dragonskin Map
  11. The Offensive Begins
  12. A Lesson in Fear
  13. Baleheim Bodycount
  14. Baleheim Must Burn!
  15. The Ambush
  16. Adding Injury to Insult
  17. The New Plague
  18. Spiking the Mix
  19. Test at Sea
  20. New Agamand
  21. The Dead Rise!
  22. Elder Atuik and Kamagua
  23. Grezzix Spindlesnap
  24. Feeding the Survivors
  25. Street "Cred"
  26. Arming Kamagua
  27. "Scoodles"
  28. Forgotten Treasure
  29. Avenge Iskaal
  30. The Staff of Storm's Fury
  31. The Frozen Heart of Isuldof
  32. The Lost Shield of the Aesirites
  33. The Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir
  34. Gambling Debt
  35. The Fragrance of Money
  36. Mutiny on the Mercy
  37. Jack Likes His Drink
  38. A Traitor Among Us
  39. Sorlof's Booty
  40. Dead Man's Debt
  41. Zeh'gehn Sez
  42. The Shield of the Aesirites
  43. A Carver and a Croaker
  44. A Return to Resting
  45. "Crowleg" Dan
  46. Return to Atuik
  47. Meet Number Two
  48. The Jig is Up
  49. A Tailor-Made Formula
  50. Apply Heat and Stir
  51. Field Test
  52. Time for Cleanup
  53. Parts for the Job
  54. Warning: Some Assembly Required
  55. Mastering the Runes
  56. Suppressing the Elements
  57. Making the Horn
  58. Mimicking Nature's Call
  59. March of the Giants
  60. The Book of Runes
  61. The Lodestone
  62. Mastering the Runes
  63. Skorn Must Fall!
  64. Demolishing Megalith
  65. The Rune of Command
  66. Gruesome, But Necessary
  67. Burn Skorn, Burn!
  68. Towers of Certain Doom
  69. The Conqueror of Skorn!
  70. Dealing With Gjalerbron
  71. Of Keys and Cages
  72. Necro Overlord Mezhen
  73. The Walking Dead
  74. Sleeping Giants
  75. The Slumbering King
  76. Gjalerbron Attack Plans
  77. The Frost Wyrm and its Master
  78. The Artifacts of Steel Gate
  79. The Cleansing
  80. Spirits of the Ice
  81. The Fallen Sisters
  82. Wild Vines
  83. Spawn of the Twisted Glade
  84. Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers
  85. Keeper Witherleaf
  86. In Worg's Clothing
  87. Brother Betrayers
  88. Eyes of the Eagle
  89. Alpha Worg

Necro Overlord Mezhen

Kill Necro Overlord Mezhen. Then, return to Chieftain Ashtotem at Camp Winterhoof.
Necro Overlord Mezhen slain (1)


The dead ones are at Gjalerbron and they have necromancers with them?

We must eliminate the leader of these necrolords.

Do whatever it takes, <name>, but see to it that Necro Overlord Mezhen, and whatever he's attempting to accomplish, is neutralized.

We cannot afford to see the vrykul successful in whatever they are doing with these undead creatures!

Look for Mezhen on the platform in the rear right section of Gjalerbron.



You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Worgskin Shoulders Dusk-Linked Leggings
Gold-Plated Coldsteel Girdle Drape of Munificence
You will receive:


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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11264))

