Quick Facts

Ideas Can Come from Anywhere

Find people and things to inspire 1 new ideas in Mechagon.


New ideas inspired (1)
Bolten's ideas collected (1)
Christy's ideas collected (1)
Cork's ideas collected (1)
Flip's ideas collected (1)
Gazlowe's ideas collected (1)
Grizzek's ideas collected (1)
Tinkmaster Overspark's ideas collected (1)
Prince Erazmin's ideas collected (1)
Pristy's ideas collected (1)
Recycler Kerchunk's ideas collected (1)
Ricket's ideas collected (1)
Saffy's ideas collected (1)
Waren Gearhart's ideas collected (1)
Idea Starter (20)
Idea Starter (13)
Idea Starter (34)
Kill Credit: New Idea Found slain (100)


I didn't notice the tinkerer's spark in you when we first met. But look at all of the blueprints you've recovered and uploaded to Pascal-K1N6's database. I was wrong. And happily so, my budding junkyard tinkering apprentice! But this is a dangerous moment in your creative development. You must avoid complacency! Take time off to find new ideas. Speak with builders that inspire you, reverse-engineer bots on the island, and be open to new ideas - no matter where they come from!



You will learn:
Brainstorm New Inventions
You will also receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(55103))

