Quick Facts
Iskaara Tuskarr Renown

Arms for Every Arm


Have you come to spar? No? Shame.

I know what you have done for our people. It would be an honor if you would wield one of my weapons. Pick which ever one pleases you.

Take your time. I realize my collection is massive.

If you would like more of my weapons, continue to prove your mettle. Bring me items showing you are not losing your martial prowess, and I will trade you for more armaments!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Tuskarr Timber Splitter Tuskarr Fisherman's Dagger
Tuskarr Leviathan's Hook Tuskarr Fisherman's Harpoon
Tuskarr Mystic's Stave Tuskarr Sharktooth Bolt-Thrower
You will receive:
Tuskarr Timber Splitter Tuskarr Fisherman's Dagger
Tuskarr Leviathan's Hook Tuskarr Fisherman's Harpoon
Tuskarr Mystic's Stave Tuskarr Sharktooth Bolt-Thrower
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70971))

