Quick Facts

Essence of the Iron Protector

Obtain an Essence of the Iron Protector.
Essence of the Iron Protector (Provided) (1)


Redeem your Essence of the Iron Protector with Exarch Maladaar to select an armament of your choice.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Chest of the Iron Conqueror Chest of the Iron Protector
Chest of the Iron Vanquisher Gauntlets of the Iron Conqueror
Gauntlets of the Iron Protector Gauntlets of the Iron Vanquisher
Helm of the Iron Conqueror Helm of the Iron Protector
Helm of the Iron Vanquisher Leggings of the Iron Conqueror
Leggings of the Iron Protector Leggings of the Iron Vanquisher
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Shoulders of the Iron Conqueror Shoulders of the Iron Protector
Shoulders of the Iron Vanquisher
You will also receive:
Chest of the Iron Conqueror Gauntlets of the Iron Conqueror
Leggings of the Iron Conqueror Helm of the Iron Conqueror
Shoulders of the Iron Conqueror Gauntlets of the Iron Vanquisher
Helm of the Iron Vanquisher Leggings of the Iron Vanquisher
Shoulders of the Iron Vanquisher Chest of the Iron Vanquisher
Chest of the Iron Protector Gauntlets of the Iron Protector
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Leggings of the Iron Protector Helm of the Iron Protector
Shoulders of the Iron Protector
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(37555))

