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Speaking with Nezzliok

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Bring a Balia'mah Trophy, a Ziata'jai Trophy and a Zul'Mamwe Trophy to the Bubbling Cauldron at the Grom'gol Base Camp.
Troféu de Balia'mah (1)
Troféu de Ziata'jai (1)
Troféu Zul'Mamwe (1)


<The head of Nezzliok speaks.>

It is true. I know where the child of the Darkspears was taken. You have bested me and bound my spirit, but I will say nothing without appeasement!

The Bloodscalps war with the Skullsplitters. To gain my favor, steal from the Skullsplitters 3 of their trophy skulls and place them here with us, so that my spirit will have slaves in the Nether. One skull must be from their trophy pile in Balia'mah, another from Ziata'jai, and the last from Zul'Mamwe.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(585))

