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[DEPRECATED] Elixir of Suffering

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Apothecary Lydon of Tarren Mill wants 10 Gray Bear Tongues and some Creeper Ichor.
Língua de Urso Cinzento (10)
Pus de Rastejante (1)


Ah, another wretched day in Tarren Mill. All of this clean air puts me in such a foul mood, <name>.

The sooner we can plague the humans here, the better. I've been conducting intense studies on possible killing agents to use in my concoctions but I haven't the time to collect them all.

If you want to make yourself of use, procure the following items for me: 10 Gray Bear Tongues and the very rare and hard to find, Creeper Ichor. You'll find both bears and creepers just outside of Tarren Mill.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(496))

