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Valley of Trials: PRK - H - Warlock Pet Imp

Essa missão foi marcada como obsoleta pela Blizzard e não pode ser adquirida ou completada.
Bring 6 Vile Familiar Heads to Ruzan.
Cabeça de Demônio Familiar Vil (6)


Those warlocks who came before us have earned the distrust of the Horde, and while we are tolerated, we are not loved.

This has not brought the warlocks closer together, however, as many choose to live reclusively, dabbling in their magics alone. I will not seek to lead you down one path or the other, but only help you in your maturation.

Before I teach you the art of summoning, bring me six heads of the vile familiars from the cave to the northeast.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25137))

