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[DEPRECATED]More than Coincidence

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Krog at Brackenwall Village wants you to bring him 7 Blackhoof Armaments.
Armamentos de Casco Negro (7)


We've gleaned as much as we can from the ruins of the inn. I'm concerned about where the investigation will lead us from here, but we must know the truth.

Between the hoofprints and the shield with Mosarn's mark, I'm lead to believe that the Grimtotems may have been involved. They've recently established a settlement in the swamp, Blackhoof Village to the northeast. Travel to Blackhoof Village and search for more arms of Mosarn's manufacture.


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Anel de Turmalina Faiscante Manto do Temível Totem
Punhal Ósseo Machado Penetrante
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11200))

