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Mission: Disrupt Communications

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Forward Commander To'arch at Reaver's Fall in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you use To'arch's Explosives and destroy Legion Antenna: Spite, Legion Antenna: Rage, Legion Antenna: Hate, Legion Antenna: Fear.
Legion Antenna: Spite Destroyed (1)
Legion Antenna: Rage Destroyed (1)
Legion Antenna: Hate Destroyed (1)
Legion Antenna: Fear Destroyed (1)
Item fornecido:
Detonador de To'acha (1)


Directly east of here is the Legion Front. The front acts as a mobile command station for the Burning Legion. Jutting out of the ground you'll see Legion antennas. The Legion uses these to communicate with their forge camps throughout Outland. They also serve as wards to scramble Legion transmissions, making magical surveillance impossible.

I want you to take these explosives and use them to obliterate the antennas. Get all of them, <name>. They run south to north on the border of the Legion Front.


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10125))

