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Draenei Heritage - Notable Draenei Spotted Celebrating at the Tishamaat

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Alleria's Short Story "A Whisper of Warning": Turalyon in Silvermoon and Arator's Tattoos - What Does It All Mean?

The War Within

Exactly What Is In the Crystal in Hallowfall? War Within Speculation

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Magister Umbric Stay Awhile and Listen - Void Elves Already Feeling Alleria's Absence

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Memories of Xal'atath's Past Wielders in Alleria's Questline - Zan'do, Modgud, and Natalie Seline

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The Arathi of Hallowfall - New Settlement, Origin Location

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Velen and Hatuun Finally Reconcile in Draenei Heritage Questline

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Locus-Walker Stay Awhile in Telogrus Rift- A Lesson In Maintaining Sanity

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Faerin Lothar's Shield Arm - More Details About Her Chosen Prosthetic


Why We're In Pandaria - Eternus, the Infinite, and a New Perspective on the Past

The War Within

The Earthen and the Curse of Flesh - War Within Alpha Lore Speculation with Nobbel87

The War Within

Hallowfall's Ending - An Important Character's Fate (Spoilers)

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Khadgar's Blunders and Alleria's Dark Heart - A Cinematic Analysis

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Easiest Trading Post Tasks to Complete the Traveler's Log - May 2024

The War Within

Xal'atath and the Skardryn - How the Harbinger Corrupts Dwarves


Dalaran Update in 10.2.7 - Silver Covenant & Sunreaver Guards, New Council of Six Member?

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Where do the Titans REALLY Come From? Lore Speculation with Nobbel87


Updates to Bel'ameth in 10.2.7, Tyrande's Leadership & Ship To Gilneas Renamed


A Trip Down Dragonflight Memory Lane With Scalecommander Emberthal's New Quest


Season of Discovery - Hints of Tauren Paladins To Come?