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The Blue Dragonflight's Legacy - Patch 10.1 Quest Cinematic
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23/5/2023 em 13:09
A special Blue Dragonflight quest campaign is available on live servers, and we're highlighting a cinematic that reflects on their legacy. Stay tuned for a full writeup of the quest series later today!
Sindragosa: it truly you?
Malygos: My treasure--what happened?
Sindragosa: I believe I hold the answer to that.
Sindragosa: Oh...I see.
Sindragosa: My dear, dear Kalecgos. "Aspect of the blue dragonflight'.
Malygos: I... remember you. I am so sorry, Kalecgos. My burden should not be yours to bear.
Kalecgos: You did not leave a burden. You left a brilliant legacy. One I... and our flight... will carry onward.
Sindragosa: It seems they are in good hands.
Sindragosa: Together. Always.
Sindragosa: You have come so far, my child.
Sindragosa: My work is done, for now.
Sindragosa: Thank you, Kalecgos. Lead them well.
Kalecgos: ... thank you, my lady. For everything.
This in-game cinematic features new HD models for members of the Blue Dragonflight:
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